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issues in oncology

Overcoming the Challenges of Presenting the ASCO Annual Meeting During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the worldwide cases of the coronavirus started to mount in February and March, medical societies and organizations monitoring the escalating COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on international and domestic travel made the difficult decision to postpone or cancel their scientific conferences. On...

skin cancer

Combining Pembrolizumab With IL-12 Electroporation May Improve Clinical Response in Patients With Immunologically 'Cold' Melanoma

Patients with non–immune-infiltrated “cold” tumors have low frequencies of intratumoral tumor-reactive, checkpoint-positive cytotoxic lymphocytes, making them less responsive to checkpoint blockage than patients with immune-infiltrated “hot” tumors. A phase II study by Alain P. Algazi, MD, and...

issues in oncology

Videoconference Intervention Can Reduce Levels of Anxiety and Distress Among Distance Caregivers

According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, the number of adult individuals in the United States providing care for patients with cancer ranges between 2.8 million and 6.1 million. Caregivers for patients with cancer who live more than 1 hour away report having higher levels of anxiety and...

health-care policy

Study Finds Cancer-Related Deaths Declined in States With Expanded Access to Medicaid

States that adopted Medicaid expansion after passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 saw a decline in cancer mortality rates by 29% compared with 25% in states that did not expand access to Medicaid, according to a study by Anna Lee, MD, MPH, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New...

multiple myeloma

I Have Multiple Myeloma and Am Concerned About the Coronavirus

In hindsight, the symptoms I began experiencing in the fall of 2013—sudden excruciating back bone pain and severe fatigue—should have tipped me off that I had a serious disease, but 7 years ago, they were easy to explain away. The bone pain was similar to what I had experienced several years...

palliative care

Prioritizing Patients With Metastatic Disease for Palliative Radiotherapy

In anticipation of how the COVID-19 pandemic might impact oncology care as the coronavirus spread across New York City, radiation oncologists with expertise in the management of metastatic disease and inpatient oncologic emergencies at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) met in late winter ...


AACR 2020: Cell-Free DNA Liquid Biopsy May Provide an Early Detection Test for Patients With Suspected Cancer

The Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas Study is a large multicenter, case-controlled, observational study of 15,254 participants, 56% with cancer and 44% without cancer, with longitudinal follow-up to support the development of a cell-free DNA (cfDNA) multicancer early detection test. In this phase ...

issues in oncology

AACR 2020: Study Finds Vape Shops Are Mostly Concentrated in Low-Resource, Minority Communities

An analysis investigating the socioecologic context of tobacco and vape shops in Los Angeles has found that vape shops are more likely to be concentrated in low-resource communities. The communities also tended to have higher concentrations of minority residents and fewer tobacco and vaping sales...

lung cancer

AACR 2020: ctDNA May Be a Prognostic Biomarker of Disease Recurrence in Patients With Lung Cancer

The TRACERx study investigated phylogenetic tracking and minimal residual disease (MRD) detection using circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) profiling following resection in patients with stage I to III non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Investigators found that ctDNA is an adjuvant biomarker capable of...


How CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing May Improve the Effectiveness of Cellular Therapeutics in Patients With Cancer

The results from the first in-human phase I clinical trial in the United States evaluating CRISPR-Cas9–edited T cells in patients with advanced cancer has shown that the therapy is both feasible and safe, representing a big step forward in the potential of using gene editing to boost the natural...

hepatobiliary cancer

A Clinical Trial Saved My Life

In the fall of 2009, I began experiencing some abdominal discomfort, pain in my right shoulder, and severe fatigue that were easily explained away as the result of gallstones and by my career as a paramedic. I had many of the risk factors for gallbladder disease, and both my mother and sister...

pancreatic cancer

Living A Full Life After Pancreatic Cancer

I have been a radiologic technologist for 47 years, so after going to the bathroom one Sunday morning in October 2018 and finding my urine had suddenly turned dark, I knew something was wrong. I wasn’t in any pain and did not have a urinary tract infection, which would explain the discoloration of...

issues in oncology

What’s in a Name?

When Narjust Duma, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and a thoracic oncologist at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center in Madison, presented the findings from her study, “Evaluating Unconscious Bias During Speaker Introductions at an International Oncology Conference,” during the...

issues in oncology

Using Respectful Language to Reduce Unconscious Bias in Oncology Care

An abstract presented at the 2019 ASCO Annual Meeting titled “Evaluating Unconscious Bias During Speaker Introductions at an International Oncology Conference,” by Narjust Duma, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Thoracic Oncologist at the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center in...


Maintaining Blood Donations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A major casualty of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is the dramatic decrease in the number of blood donations across the United States. As more people are urged to shelter-in-place and avoid social contact, the number of cancellations in blood drives has been dramatic. According to ...

breast cancer

I Wasn’t Prepared for the Emotional Turmoil of Breast Cancer

Nearly a decade ago, my mother tested positive for the BRCA1 mutation; soon after, my twin sister and I were tested for the inherited defective gene, and I learned I, too, have the BRCA1 mutation. My sister is not a carrier of the mutation. Although there is a long history of both breast and...

issues in oncology

How Exercise Oncology Can Improve Cancer Outcome and Survivorship

Researchers from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recently reviewed hundreds of epidemiologic studies on the link between physical activity and both cancer risk and cancer mortality. A subsequent analysis of the findings by a panel of experts representing 17 partner organizations,...


Managing Cancer Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic

A special feature in JNCCN–Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network by Ueda et al highlighted the unique circumstances and challenges of providing treatment to patients with cancer during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Physicians from the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Fred Hutchinson...


Strategies for Protecting Patients and Health-Care Providers Against COVID-19

For Patients Patients undergoing active treatment for cancer and cancer survivors may be at increased risk of becoming infected with the coronavirus because of their compromised immune system and their susceptibility to other illnesses. ASCO has developed information on Cancer.Net on how patients...


How COVID-19 Is Affecting the Oncology Community

Over the past month, medical societies worldwide have been monitoring the escalating outbreak of the novel coronavirus and its effect on international and domestic travel and making difficult decisions to cancel or postpone their scientific conferences or make them available digitally. On March...


Mitigating the Spread of COVID-19 and Its Impact on Cancer

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO) took the step it had been avoiding for weeks and declared that the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the virus that causes it, now identified as SARS-CoV-2, had reached global pandemic levels, the first pandemic sparked by a...

breast cancer

Therapy Is Keeping My Metastatic Breast Cancer Manageable

Despite being vigilant about adhering to my annual schedule of screening mammography, in 2002, I was diagnosed with stage III triple-negative breast cancer. The diagnosis scared me, and I wondered if I was going to die. Determined to do what I could to survive the cancer, I underwent aggressive...


Building Onco-Primary Care to Close the ‘Black Hole’ in Cancer Survivorship Care

When the landmark report from the Institute of Medicine, From Cancer Patient to Cancer Survivor: Lost in Transition, was published in 2006, there were 10 million cancer survivors in the United States.1 Meant to raise awareness of the medical, functional, and psychosocial consequences of a cancer...

breast cancer
issues in oncology
cost of care

Young Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer May Face Employment Disruption and Financial Hardship

A study evaluating the economic impact of the cancer in young women has found that the diagnosis can result in employment disruption and financial decline. The findings—published by Tangka et al in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention—indicate the need for obtaining and maintaining...

issues in oncology

Two Recent Studies Show Low-Nicotine Cigarettes Are Unlikely to Increase Compensatory Smoking

A pair of studies by Smith et al published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention evaluating whether a mandated reduction in the nicotine content of cigarettes may cause smokers to compensate by engaging in compensatory smoking to obtain more nicotine has found that a reduction in...

multiple myeloma

Redefining What It Means to Have Precursor Myeloma

Studies have shown that all patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma had a preceding asymptomatic expansion of clonal plasma cells, clinically recognized as monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance or smoldering multiple myeloma. According to C. Ola Landgren, MD, PhD, Professor of...

lung cancer

Cancer Has Made Me the Person I Am, and I’m Grateful

The only clue that I was harboring a life-threatening cancer came as I was driving to a golf lesson in the fall of 2006, and I casually rubbed the left side of neck and felt a tiny bump. Although I wasn’t alarmed at the time, I did point out the mass to my primary care physician when I met with...

issues in oncology

Using Machine Learning to Prompt Serious Illness Conversations

Despite research showing that among patients with cancer, early advance care planning conversations lead to care that is in alliance with patients’ goals and wishes, especially at the end of life,1 most patients die without having discussions about their treatment goals and end-of-life preferences ...

Overcoming Barriers to Alleviating Cancer-Related Pain in Ethiopia

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 70% of deaths from cancer occur in low- and middle-income countries, where late-stage presentation and inaccessibility to diagnosis and treatment are common.1 In the sub-Saharan African country of Ethiopia, cancer is becoming an...

lung cancer
symptom management

ASCO-SITC 2020: Low Incidence of Nivolumab-Induced Radiation Recall Pneumonitis Among Patients With NSCLC

A multicenter retrospective study investigating the incidence of pneumonitis and the incidence, risk factors, and clinical characteristics of radiation recall pneumonitis in patients with non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who had received nivolumab found the incidence of radiation recall...

lung cancer

ASCO-SITC 2020: Preliminary Results Show Antitumor Activity With Pepinemab/Avelumab in Patients With Advanced NSCLC

Interim results from the CLASSICAL-Lung phase Ib/II clinical trial of pepinemab, an IgG4 humanized monoclonal antibody targeting semaphorin 4D, in combination with the anti–programmed cell death ligand 1 antibody avelumab for patients with advanced NSCLC showed that the treatment is well tolerated...

Genomics-Guided Molecular Targeted Therapy Gave Me Back My Life

In October 2014, I noticed a small pea-sized lump on the left side of my cheek. It didn’t hurt, and I didn’t have any physical symptoms that could connect the lump with a rare and serious disease, but I was curious enough about what the lump could be to get it checked out by my primary care...

ASCO’s Inaugural Breakthrough Global Summit Showcased Evolving Technologies Poised to Revolutionize Cancer Care

Unlike ASCO’s Annual Meeting, symposia, and conferences, which highlight the current scientific advances in specific cancers and how they are improving cancer outcomes for the more than 18.1 million people worldwide diagnosed with cancer each year,1 ASCO Breakthrough: A Global Summit for Oncology...

solid tumors

Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes and T Cells Targeting TP53 Mutations in Patients With Metastatic Solid Tumors

Although TP53 is the most frequently mutated gene across all cancers and encodes the tumor suppressor p53 protein, TP53-targeted therapies have not demonstrated efficacy beyond in vitro models and immunotherapies targeting mutant TP53 are not currently available. A study by Malekzadeh et al...


AYA Cancer Survivors at Greater Risk of Inpatient Hospitalization

A population-based study investigating the risk of inpatient hospitalizations among adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors compared with their siblings and those in the general population found that the AYA survivors had nearly double the risk of being hospitalized than the matched...

global cancer care

Taking Action Against Cancer: Celebrating 20 Years of World Cancer Day

February 4, 2020, will mark the 20th anniversary of World Cancer Day, an annual event meant to raise cancer awareness and encourage governments, oncology societies, nongovernmental organizations, businesses, and individuals to take action against the global impact of the disease. Formed in...

The Anesthesia Era: 1845–1875

The text and photograph here are excerpted from a four-volume series of books titled Oncology: Tumors & Treatment, A Photographic History, The Anesthesia Era: 1845–1875 by Stanley B. Burns, MD, FACS, and Elizabeth A. Burns. The photograph appears courtesy of Dr. Burns and The Burns Archive. To...

supportive care

Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium Emphasized Caring for the Whole Patient From Diagnosis to End of Life

The 2019 Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium: Advancing Palliative Research Across the Care Continuum, held this past October in San Francisco, marked the fifth anniversary of its inauguration and its last as a stand-alone ASCO thematic meeting. Since its launch in 2014 as the Palliative Care in...

gastrointestinal cancer

Cancer No Longer Scares Me

Cancer was a disease I feared until 3 years ago, when I was diagnosed with gastric cancer. After receiving the diagnosis, I knew I didn’t have any time to indulge in fear; I had to take action if I was going to survive. In hindsight, symptoms of the cancer, including some fatigue and indigestion,...

cns cancers

Everolimus/Octreotide Shows Antitumor Activity in Recurrent Meningioma

According to the results from the small phase II CEVOREM trial, a targeted combination of the mTOR inhibitor everolimus and the somatostatin agonist octreotide showed antitumor activity in patients with recurrent meningioma not amenable to any type of surgery or radiotherapy. These findings were...

issues in oncology
cost of care

Cancer Survivors Face Substantial Medical Financial Hardship

Although advances in cancer treatments have led to huge increases in the number of survivors in the United States—more than 16.9 million in 2019—many of those survivors, particularly those aged 18 to 64, face substantial medical financial hardship due to their diagnosis and treatment, necessitating ...

multiple myeloma

My Dream Is That Multiple Myeloma Will One Day Be in My Past and No Longer a Part of My Future

A year before my diagnosis of multiple myeloma, in 2010, my husband Paul and I moved with our six children to Monterrey, Mexico, where Paul was helping to create a venture capital industry. We were so busy settling into a new country and getting our children integrated into school that when I...

gynecologic cancers

The Antiseptic Era: 1876–1900

The text and photographs here are excerpted from a four-volume series of books titled Oncology: Tumors & Treatment, A Photographic History, The Antiseptic Era: 1876–1900 by Stanley B. Burns, MD, FACS, and Elizabeth A. Burns. The photographs appear courtesy of Dr. Burns and The Burns Archive. To ...

supportive care

Coexisting With Cancer and Depression

Among the highlights at the 2019 Supportive Care in Oncology Symposium in October was the keynote address by Thomas J. Smith, MD, FACP, FASCO, FAAHPM, the Harry J. Duffey Family Professor of Palliative Medicine and Director of Palliative Medicine at Johns Hopkins Medicine and Professor of Oncology ...

issues in oncology

ASCO’s National Cancer Opinion Survey Finds Gaps in Knowledge on Cancer Prevention and the Dangers of E-Cigarettes

As in the previous 2 years, the results from ASCO’s 2019 Cancer Opinion Survey revealed some startling answers about the public’s understanding of cancer, its risk factors, and strategies to prevent the disease. Although a majority of Americans (57%) said they were concerned about developing...

prostate cancer
issues in oncology

Commercial Gene-Expression Tests for Prostate Cancer May Not Accurately Predict Disease Progression in African American Men

A study examining the differences in gene expression between African American and European American men with prostate cancer for three commercially available prostate cancer prognostic biomarker panels—Oncotype DX Prostate Score, Prolaris, and Decipher—has found that these tests may not accurately...

issues in oncology

How to Give Effective Presentation Feedback

Giving an effective scientific presentation, like all public speaking, is an acquired skill that takes practice to perfect. When delivered successfully, an oral presentation can be an invaluable opportunity to showcase your latest research results among your colleagues and peers. It can also...

colorectal cancer
head and neck cancer
pancreatic cancer

Early Research Shows Potential New Targets in Treating Glioblastoma, Colorectal Cancer, and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

Glioblastoma multiforme, colorectal cancer, and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma represent some of the most difficult-to-treat cancers and collectively cause more than 114,000 deaths each year in the United States. A trio of recently published basic research studies in these cancers have found...

breast cancer

SABCS 2019: Breast Cancer Incidence With Estrogen/Progestin vs Estrogen Alone in Postmenopausal Women

A study investigating the long-term influence of estrogen plus progestin compared with estrogen alone on breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women has found that the menopausal hormone therapies had opposite effects on breast cancer incidence. While estrogen alone decreased breast cancer...

breast cancer

SABCS 2019: ctDNA May Be an Independent Predictor of Disease Recurrence in Patients With Early-Stage Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

The detection of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in patients with early-stage triple-negative breast cancer treated with surgery following neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an independent predictor of disease recurrence, according to a phase II study investigating the potential of using ctDNA to detect...


