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issues in oncology

Experts Address Cancer Health Disparities in Facebook Live Session at AACR Meeting

Although it has long been known that certain cancer types disproportionately affect individuals from underserved and underrepresented populations, the sources of these disparities are still not entirely clear. In a “Facebook Live” session at the 2017 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)...

issues in oncology
hematologic malignancies
solid tumors

Reports From JCO and JOP

Staying up-to-date with peer-reviewed oncology literature is a daunting task. To assist readers, The ASCO Post has summarized a number of studies recently published in the Journal of Oncology Practice (JOP) and the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO). Survival as Quality Metric in Cancer Care In a...

Susan G. Komen Launches Crowdfunding Initiative to Support Metastatic Breast Cancer Research

Individuals and organizations looking to contribute to advancements in metastatic breast cancer research can now do so by participating in Susan G. Komen’s inaugural crowdfunding initiative. Through this initiative, donors have the opportunity to contribute directly to the pioneering work of four...

solid tumors
breast cancer

Gene-Expression Assays in Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Who Should Order Them and When?

A deeper understanding of biology has allowed significant advances in the treatment of breast cancer. In the early-stage setting, standard pathology measures can help identify which subset of patients with hormone receptor–positive breast cancers are more likely to experience benefit from...

ASH Honors Josef T. Prchal, MD, and Sherrill J. Slichter, MD, With 2017 Henry M. Stratton Medal

THE AMERICAN SOCIETY of Hematology (ASH) will recognize Josef T. Prchal, MD, of the University of Utah, and Sherrill J. Slichter, MD, of Bloodworks Northwest and the University of Washington, with the 2017 Henry M. Stratton Medal for their seminal contributions in the areas of basic and clinical/ ...

ASH Honors Benjamin L. Ebert, MD, PhD, With the 2017 William Dameshek Prize

THE AMERICAN Society of Hematology (ASH) will present the 2017 William Dameshek Prize to Benjamin L. Ebert, MD, PhD, of Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for his seminal discoveries in multiple areas of nonmalignant and malignant hematology....

solid tumors
breast cancer

Genomic Profiling With Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Improving Breast Cancer Outcomes Through Timely Chemotherapy Initiation

As reviewed in this issue of The ASCO Post, Losk and colleagues from Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center report their institution’s implementation of a protocol of surgeon-initiated genomic profiling of estrogen receptor–positive tumors in women with early breast cancer that resulted in ...

Parker Institute, Dana-Farber Collaboration

The Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy announced that researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have joined its network. Dana-Farber brings a team of experts who will collaborate with Parker Institute investigators to enhance and expand research projects and clinical trials. Dana-Farber’s...

issues in oncology
cost of care

Tackling the High Cost of Cancer Care

AT THE 2017 ASCO ANNUAL MEETING, the leaders of the newly formed Value in Cancer Care Consortium (vi3c; met to discuss the group’s plan to study how to improve the affordability of cancer drugs and make them more accessible to patients. The goal of the Value in Cancer Care Consortium is...

supportive care
palliative care

Digital Palliative Care Curriculum Improves Knowledge, Skills, and Opioid Prescribing Behavior

A new electronic curriculum delivered via e-mail with push technology may provide an efficient, cost-effective solution to the shortage of palliative care faculty serving the nation’s oncology fellowship programs. According to data presented at the 2017 Palliative and Supportive Care in Oncology...

issues in oncology

Informed Consent and the Oncologist: Legal Duties to Discuss Costs of Treatment

For 50 years, clinicians in the United States have had a legal duty to disclose to patients with cancer the risks, benefits, and alternatives to a proposed cancer treatment. Until recently, however, it has been unclear whether clinicians have a similar duty to discuss the costs of that treatment....

Stephanie Lee, MD, MPH, Elected ASH Vice President; Two Councillors Appointed to 4-Year Terms

THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY (ASH) has elected Stephanie Lee, MD, MPH, a member of the Clinical Research Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch), as its Vice President. Dr. Lee will begin her 1-year term after the 2017 ASH Annual Meeting & Exposition in December...


Role of the E7 Gene in High-Risk HPV

NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) researchers have found that for the most common high-risk type of human papillomavirus (HPV) to cause cervical cancer, an important viral gene may need to have a precise DNA sequence. The findings, published by Mirabello et al in Cell,1 contribute to a better...

supportive care
palliative care

Advancing Care Across the Cancer Continuum

Addressing the need to integrate palliative and supportive care practices into medical specialties to ensure optimal patient-centered care across the cancer continuum and the evidence-based remedies to accomplish that goal were the focus of the nearly 300 study abstracts presented at the 2017...

integrative oncology
symptom management

Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia: Sleeping Well With Cancer and Beyond

The ASCO Post’s Integrative Oncology series is intended to facilitate the availability of evidence-based information on integrative and complementary therapies commonly used by patients with cancer. In this installment, Sheila N. Garland, PhD, R Psych, and Jun J. Mao, MD, MSCE, present...

ACCC Honors Barbara L. McAneny, MD, FASCO, MACP, With Annual Achievement Award

In recognition of her work in value-based care, Barbara McAneny, MD, FASCO, MACP, was honored with the Annual Achievement Award of the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC). Her work in developing the grant-funded COME HOME oncology medical home initiative demonstrated reduced costs and...

Johns Hopkins Researcher Awarded $300,000 to Investigate Genetics of Lung Cancer

The Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation (ALCF) and the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) announced they have awarded $300,000 in research funding to a Johns Hopkins University investigator studying the genetics of lung cancer. According to the organizations, Johns ...

Huntsman Cancer Institute Names New Clinical Research Director

Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah has announced David Gaffney, MD, PhD, as Senior Director for Clinical Research. In this position, Dr. Gaffney will oversee Huntsman Cancer Institute’s clinical research efforts, which include more than 200 active clinical cancer trials at...

New Head Named to Fred Hutch Cancer Prevention Program

On October 1, 2017, nutritional epidemiologist Marian Neuhouser, PhD, RD, became head of the Cancer Prevention Program in the Public Health Sciences Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch). She replaces Acting Program Head Johanna Lampe, PhD, RD, Associate Director of...

kidney cancer

ACKC Secures $10 Million for Kidney Cancer Research

Action to Cure Kidney Cancer (ACKC) was instrumental in securing a $10 million line item for the Kidney Cancer Research Program as part of the Department of Defense’s Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP). This represents the largest increase ever in the...


Seattle Children’s Opens Trial for Children and Young Adults With Leukemia That Targets CD22 and CD19 Proteins Simultaneously

Seattle Children’s has opened the first chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell immunotherapy trial in the U.S. for children and young adults with relapsed or refractory CD19- and CD22-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) that will simultaneously attack two targets on cancer cells. With ...


Novel Risk-Assessment Model for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

A RECENTLY PUBLISHED STUDY in JAMA Oncology, led by Mohamed Sorror, MD, MSc, and Elihu Estey, MD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Fred Hutch), involving five collaborating institutions, provides a novel model to predict 1-year survival rates of patients after beginning treatment...

solid tumors

Early Findings on EZH2 Inhibitor in Children With Rare Solid Tumors

CHILDREN WITH relapsed or refractory malignant rhabdoid tumors, epithelioid sarcomas, or poorly differentiated chordomas with a particular genetic defect were treated with the investigational drug tazemetostat and appeared to tolerate treatment well. Some patients had objective and durable...

Moffitt Researcher Awarded Grant to Study New Treatments for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

MOFFITT CANCER CENTER recently announced that Andriy Marusyk, PhD, was awarded a $450,000 research grant from Susan G. Komen. Dr. Marusyk is receiving 1 of 37 research grants looking into novel treatments for aggressive types of breast cancer. This year, Susan G. Komen is focusing on new...

Restorative Effects of Painting Offset the Demands of Oncology

Oncologists are apt to give patients the worst news of their lives: You have cancer. Yet studies show that, by and large, despite the stressful aspects of treating people with a life-threatening disease, oncologists report one of the highest percentages of professional satisfaction among medical...

solid tumors
multiple myeloma

Update on NCI-MATCH Precision Medicine Trial

THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE (NCI) Molecular Analysis for Therapy Choice (MATCH) clinical trial has achieved the goal of screening nearly 6,000 patients in just under 2 years, according to data presented at the 2017 American Association for Cancer Research–NCI–European Organisation for Research...

hematologic malignancies

A Pioneer in Bloodless Transplant Discusses Advances in Blood Management

Bloodless stem cell transplantation, performed without the transfusion of allogeneic blood or blood products, has numerous clinical advantages, especially among populations of patients who prefer, for religious or other reasons, no blood methods of medical and surgical treatment. Patricia A. Ford, ...

Angela M. Stover, PhD, Presented With Inaugural Michael S. O’Malley Alumni Award

ANGELA M. STOVER, PhD, Assistant Professor in Health Policy and Management at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Gillings School of Global Public Health, has won the 2017 Michael S. O’Malley Alumni Award for Publication in Excellence in Cancer Population Sciences. She was selected for her...

bladder cancer

Arif Kamal, MD, MBA, MHS, Named Visionary in Hospice and Palliative Medicine

ARIF KAMAL, MD, MBA, MHS, Associate Professor of Medicine and Business Administration and Physician Director of Quality at the Duke Cancer Institute, was recently named by the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine as 1 of the 30 most influential leaders in hospice and palliative...


FDA Approves CAR T-Cell Therapy for Adults With Certain Types of Large B-Cell Lymphoma

ON OCTOBER 18, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved axicabtagene ciloleucel (Yescarta), a cell-based gene therapy, to treat adult patients with certain types of large B-cell lymphoma who have not responded to or who have relapsed after at least two other kinds of treatment....

IDEA Trial: ‘Going Beyond Statistics’ in Stage III Colon Cancer

According to Alberto Sobrero, MD, Head of Medical Oncology at Ospedale San Martino in Genova, Italy, the results of the pivotal IDEA trial, which evaluated the optimal duration of adjuvant chemotherapy for stage III colon cancer, were not clear to clinicians.1 The combined analysis of six...

West Cancer Center Joins CancerLinQ® as Participating Practice

CANCERLINQ LLC, a wholly owned nonprofit subsidiary of ASCO, has announced that West Cancer Center in Tennessee has signed an agreement to participate in the CancerLinQ® platform.  “The CancerLinQ® rapid learning system continues to be enriched through the participation of remarkable cancer care...

ASCO’s Patient Resources for National Marrow Awareness and Family Caregivers Month

VISIT ASCO’S patient information website, Cancer.Net, for comprehensive information on understanding bone marrow/stem cell transplantation, donating bone marrow, and extensive information for caregivers. Stock your practice with copies of the ASCO Answers Guide to Caregiving and Understanding...

ASCO Election Candidates

SIXTEEN DISTINGUISHED ASCO members have been selected by the ASCO Nominating Committee as candidates for open leadership positions within the Society, including:  The offices of President-Elect and Treasurer  Four seats on the Society’s Board of Directors  Two seats on the Nominating Committee...

Encourage Your Lawmakers to Increase Funding for NIH in FY 2018

EARLIER THIS FALL, Congress voted to pass a 3-month Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund the government, while the House of Representatives and the Senate work to finalize a Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 funding bill. The CR, viewed as a temporary measure to keep the federal government operating, keeps...

This #GivingTuesday, Help Conquer Cancer

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, marks the 6th consecutive year of #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that celebrates philanthropy. Taking place on the heels of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday serves as a reminder that the holiday season is about giving back as well as giving gifts.  Those...

President-Elect Candidates Discuss ASCO’s Role in Shaping Global Oncology Community

Howard A. “Skip” Burris III, MD, FACP, FASCO, of Sarah Cannon and Tennessee Oncology, and Therese Marie Mulvey, MD, FASCO, of Massachusetts General Hospital North Shore Cancer Center, were selected by the ASCO Nominating Committee as candidates for ASCO President-Elect. Below, the candidates share...

Recommendations From ASCO Summit Promote Multidisciplinary Collaboration to Focus on Obesity Prevention and Treatment

RECOMMENDATIONS FROM an ASCO “Summit on Addressing Obesity Through Multidisciplinary Collaboration” have been published in a new article in the journal Obesity. The recommendations cover four key areas in response to the current issues providers face in addressing obesity prevention and treatment...

Cast Your Vote in ASCO Election by December 4

The ASCO Nominating Committee, which is itself elected by ASCO members, is charged with selecting candidates for future Society leadership. This job is both a great pleasure and a real challenge, since ASCO has so many dedicated members who have the desire, insight, and ability to lead our...

lung cancer

ESMO Asia 2017: FLAURA Trial: Osimertinib Improves Progression-Free Survival in Asian Patients With EGFR-Mutated NSCLC

Osimertinib (Tagrisso) improves progression-free survival compared to standard first-line therapy in Asian patients with EGFR-mutated non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), according to the Asian subset analysis of the FLAURA trial presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)...

colorectal cancer

ESMO Asia 2017: AXEPT Trial: New Second-Line Therapy for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Is Effective and Safe

A randomized trial in 650 patients has confirmed the safety and efficacy of a new second-line treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer, researchers reported at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Asia 2017 Congress (Abstract LBA3_PR). Oral fluorinated pyrimidines have been...

Stand Up To Cancer Launches ‘Cancer Interception’ Teams to Detect and Treat Cancer at Earliest Stages

Stand Up To Cancer, joined by the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, LUNGevity, and the American Lung Association, announced that four teams of top researchers will study lung and pancreatic cancers using a new approach of “cancer interception” at their earliest stages. “The...

solid tumors
breast cancer

Where Are We Now in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer?

The treatment of triple-negative breast cancer is rapidly evolving, as clinical trials continue to test chemotherapy agents and combinations and immunotherapy studies promise potentially “game-changing” interventions early in the course of disease, Joyce O’Shaughnessy, MD, reported at the 19th...

lung cancer

ESMO Asia 2017: Analysis of Mutations in Cerebrospinal Fluid in Lung Cancer With Brain Metastases

In a study presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Asia 2017 Congress (Abstract 35P_PR), researchers analyzed the presence of mutations in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with lung cancer and brain metastases. Tumor tissue from brain metastasis is difficult to obtain,...

NCCN Hits 1 Million Registered Users Accessing NCCN Guidelines® and Related Content

The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) has announced that its registration count has grown to more than 1 million users. By registering on the NCCN website, users are able to view and download all of the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) free of charge...

hematologic malignancies

Sequencing Therapy in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Although the indications to initiate treatment for chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have not changed, determining the optimal first-line treatment and sequence of therapies once treatment has begun remain challenges for providers. At the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®) 12th Annual...

gynecologic cancers

PARP Inhibitors in BRCA-Related Ovarian Cancer—and Beyond!

Poly (ADP ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors are among the most exciting new classes of oncology drugs, and their development has coincided with the increasing recognition of the therapeutic vulnerability in targeting DNA damage response and DNA repair. The initial clinical testing of PARP...

lung cancer

ESMO Asia 2017: Alectinib More Effective Than Crizotinib in Asian Patients With ALK-Positive NSCLC

A subanalysis of the phase III ALEX study has shown that alectinib (Alecensa) is more effective than the standard of care, crizotinib, in Asian patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-positive non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), researchers reported at the European Society for Medical...

issues in oncology

ASCO Survey Reveals Concerning Trends in Americans’ Knowledge About Cancer Risks and Impact of Costs on Compliance

Although most Americans, 78%, recognize that smoking is a major risk factor for cancer, just 31% say obesity—the second-leading preventable cause of cancer after smoking—is a risk factor for the disease, according to the results of ASCO’s National Cancer Opinion Survey, which polled over 4,000...

ASCO Issues Statement on Alcohol Consumption and Cancer Risk

As reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology by Noelle K. LoConte, MD, of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and colleagues, ASCO has issued a statement on the association of alcohol consumption with cancer risk that outlines proposals for promoting awareness of the association, supporting...


