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skin cancer
issues in oncology

NRAS Mutations in Advanced Melanoma Correlate With Increased Benefit From Immunotherapies

Researchers investigating whether tumor genotype correlates with benefit from immune therapy in melanoma has found that patients whose tumors had NRAS mutations had better response to immunotherapy and better outcomes than patients whose tumors had other genetic subtypes. The results suggest that...

lung cancer
issues in oncology

Study Finds Immunohistochemistry Is More Effective Than FISH in Detecting EML4-ALK Rearrangments in Lung Cancer

A retrospective study by Pekar-Zlotin et al investigating fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for detecting EML4-ALK rearrangement in patients with lung cancer has found that FISH may miss a significant number of patients who tested positive with...

Novel Cell Profiling Technique May Help Personalize Cancer Treatments

Researchers have developed a lab test called Dynamic BH3 Profiling (DBP) to measure early changes in net proapoptotic signaling at the mitochondrion induced by chemotherapeutic agents in cancer cells. In cell-line and clinical experiments, the test accurately predicted chemotherapy response across...

gynecologic cancers

Early Study Suggests Olaparib May Be Effective in Ovarian Cancers Expressing High Levels of POLQ

Last December, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved olaparib (Lynparza) in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer in women with BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutations. Now, a laboratory study by Ceccaldi et al has found that the drug may also be effective in breast and ovarian tumors that...

health-care policy

ASCO Expresses Concern Over the New CMS Oncology Care Model

On Thursday, February 12, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its new Oncology Care Model, a multipayer payment and care delivery model meant to support better health-care coordination for patients with cancer. Although commending the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ...

cns cancers
issues in oncology

Scientists Identify Genetic Variations Linked to Treatment-Related Hearing Loss in Young Patients With Cancer

Using a genome-wide associated study approach, researchers have identified inherited genetic variations in the ACYP2 gene that were linked to as much as a fourfold greater risk of rapid hearing loss in young patients with newly diagnosed brain tumors treated with cisplatin chemotherapy. The study...

lung cancer
issues in oncology

Study Finds Metformin May Reduce Lung Cancer Risk Among Diabetic Nonsmokers

A large retrospective cohort study of diabetic patients taking metformin, a first-line treatment for type II diabetes, has found that while metformin use was not associated with lower lung cancer risk overall, the risk was 43% lower among diabetic patients who had never smoked. In addition, the...

colorectal cancer
issues in oncology

Study Finds Fear of Cancer Can Be Either a Facilitator or Deterrent to Getting Colorectal Cancer Screenings

People who worry a lot about cancer are more likely to want to get screened for colon cancer—perhaps due to a desire for reassurance—but having a more visceral negative response to thinking about cancer acted as a deterrent to actually getting screened, according to a British study by...

breast cancer
issues in oncology

Study Finds Many Women Lack Understanding of Their Breast Cancer, Especially Minority Patients

A population-based study of women who had undergone surgery for breast cancer has found that many lacked understanding of the basic characteristics of their disease, including stage, grade, and tumor characteristics. Minority patients were less likely than white patients to have the correct...

issues in oncology

ASCO Announces Progress in the Development of CancerLinQ, With the First Version Due in Late 2015

The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) announced today that it will use SAP HANA®, a data management and application platform, in the development of CancerLinQ, the Society’s health information technology platform that will harness Big Data to deliver high-quality care to...

ASCO Releases Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer and Names the Cancer Advance of the Year

ASCO released its report, Clinical Cancer Advances 2015: An Annual Report on Progress Against Cancer, today, and for the first time announced its cancer Advance of the Year: gains made in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). ASCO credits the improvements in CLL care with the...

Prolonged Sedentary Time Linked to Cancer and Other Health Risks Regardless of Exercise Habits

A meta-analysis of published studies evaluating sedentary behavior in adults and health outcomes independent of physical activity has found that sedentary activities, such as prolonged sitting watching television or using a computer, is positively associated with an increased risk for all-cause...

gynecologic cancers

Metabolic Syndrome Linked With Higher Risk of Endometrial Cancer Regardless of Being Overweight or Obese

A large population-based analysis of women 65 and older in the United States diagnosed with endometrial cancer has found that women with metabolic syndrome—characterized by low HDL cholesterol, hypertension, high triglycerides, and elevated waist circumference—have an increased risk of...

Study Identifies Signaling Pathway Responsible for Generating Slowly Proliferating, Chemoresistant Cancer Cells

Although scientists know that all cancers contain a mixture of both rapidly and slowly proliferating cancer cells, which complicates the detection and treatment of patients with cancer and may cause disease relapse long after apparently curative treatment, the circumstances and molecular details of ...

breast cancer

Chemotherapy Plus Targeted Therapy Reduces Recurrence in Women With Early-Stage HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

A phase II clinical study of adjuvant paclitaxel and trastuzumab (Herceptin) in women with stage I HER2-positive breast cancer has found the 3-year rate of survival free from invasive disease was 98.7%. The findings may help establish the combination therapy as the first standard treatment approach ...

issues in oncology

Study Finds Whole-Genome Sequencing Is Successful in Identifying Patients’ Risk for Inherited Cancers

After performing whole-genome sequencing on patients found to have BRCA1or BRCA2 mutations as well as on those that were not carriers of either mutation, researchers found cancer risk–related potentially pathogenic variants in those without BRCA mutations. While the results highlight the ...

issues in oncology

Scientists Discover the Role of Gene Mutations Involved in 75% of Glioblastomas and Melanomas

After initiating several biophysical computational studies, researchers have identified mutations that destabilize a DNA structure that turns a gene “off.” They found that these mutations occur at four specific sites in the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) promoter in over ...

prostate cancer

Higher Levels of Physical Activity Improve Survival Among Men With Prostate Cancer

Men with localized prostate cancer who walked or cycled for 20 minutes or more a day had a 30% decreased overall mortality and a 39% decreased prostate cancer–specific mortality compared with men who spent less time engaging in those activities, a large Swedish study has found. The study...

colorectal cancer
issues in oncology

Racial Disparities in Colon Cancer Survival Linked to Advanced Disease and Comorbidities at Diagnosis

Racial disparities in colon cancer survival rates may be explained by differences in the health of the patients at diagnosis—both in the stage of the cancer and comorbid conditions—rather than by differences in subsequent treatment, a new study has found. Focusing efforts on prevention...

lung cancer

CDK7 Inhibitor Effective in Reducing Small Cell Lung Cancer in Preclinical Study

Although small cell lung cancer is an aggressive disease with a high mortality rate, in contrast to other lung carcinomas, there has not been significant progress in the development of therapies for the disease in more than 3 decades. Now, researchers using a high-throughput cellular screen of a...

issues in oncology

Bisphosphonates May Block the Development of HER-Driven Tumors, Preventing Breast, Lung, and Colon Cancers

Two studies have found that bisphosphonates may be effective in preventing certain cancers—including lung, breast, and colon—by blocking abnormal growth signals passed through HER family receptors. The studies suggest that bisphosphonates, the most commonly prescribed medications for...

breast cancer

DNA Vaccine Targeting Mammaglobin-A Produces Robust Immune Response in Metastatic Breast Cancer

In a phase I study, a DNA vaccine targeting the breast cancer–associated antigen mammaglobin-A (MAM-A) was found to be safe and effective in eliciting immune responses in women with metastatic breast cancer. Preliminary evidence also suggests that the vaccine improved progression-free...

issues in oncology

Exposure to Hookah Smoke Doubles Benzene Uptake, Potentially Increasing Risk for Leukemia

Findings from a new study show that hookah smokers and nonsmokers exposed to hookah (or waterpipe) secondhand tobacco smoke at social events in hookah lounges and in private homes had significant increases in uptake of benzene, a leukemogen that causes lymphohematopoietic cancers, especially acute...

skin cancer

Interactions Between Genetic Variants and Sun Behaviors May Influence Future Melanoma Risk

The combination of different patterns of sun exposure experienced by children and biomarkers of melanoma risk, such as the number of freckles or moles that develop as a result, may play a large role in future melanoma risk, a study investigating gene and environmental interactions has found....

health-care policy
issues in oncology

ASCO Calls for Major Medicaid Reform to Improve Quality Cancer Care for Low-Income Americans

ASCO issued its new Policy Statement on Medicaid Reform yesterday, which calls for major changes to the program to ensure access to high-quality cancer care for all low-income individuals. The Society’s recommendations call for Medicaid expansion in all 50 states to close coverage gaps,...

supportive care
issues in oncology
issues in oncology
palliative care

End-of-Life Discussions Are Associated With Longer Survival and Higher Quality of Life

A review of advance care planning and end-of-life communication practices among physicians by the American College of Physicians has found that implementing early discussions about goals of care with seriously ill patients results in better quality of life, reduced use of life-sustaining treatments ...

head and neck cancer

Oral Cancer–Causing HPV May Be Transmitted Through Oral and Genital Contact

A study investigating the prevalence and risk factors of oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among young men has found a higher prevalence of oral HPV among men who had female partners with an oral and/or genital HPV infection, suggesting that transmission may occur through oral or genital...

skin cancer

Ipilimumab/Sargramostim Improves Overall Survival vs Ipilimumab Alone in Patients With Advanced Metastatic Melanoma

A randomized clinical trial of patients with advanced metastatic melanoma treated with ipilimumab (Yervoy), an immune checkpoint inhibitor, in combination with sargramostim (Leukine), an immune stimulant, vs ipilimumab alone, has found a 1-year survival rate of 68.9% vs 52.9% in the ipilimumab-only ...

head and neck cancer

Protein Linked With HPV-Positive Head and Neck Cancer May Lead to More Effective Therapies for the Disease

Scientists investigating the molecular mechanism of the protein p16 in cisplatin-treated head and neck cancer cells have found that the drug is able to kill the malignant cells by interacting with the protein gigaxonin. Although p16 is commonly produced in human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive...

supportive care
issues in oncology

Survey Finds High Rates of Burnout Among Palliative Care Physicians, With Over 50% Predicted to Leave the Field in 10 Years

Physician burnout in palliative care is higher—over 62%—than the burnout rate reported in medical oncology—45%—according to a large survey of over 1,200 hospice and palliative care clinicians. The factors contributing to professional burnout severity included younger age,...

colorectal cancer
issues in oncology

Personalized Genetic Risk Assessment Does Not Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening in an Average-Risk Population

A large prospective, randomized, controlled trial investigating whether individualized genetic and environmental risk assessment of colorectal cancer susceptibility improves adherence to screening in average-risk persons, has found that the information was not enough to persuade nonadherent...

prostate cancer

Increase in PSA Levels 5 to 10 Years After Prostatectomy May Not Signify Subsequent Development of Metastasis in Patient's Lifetime

While early treatment of prostate cancer recurrence after a radical prostatectomy based on detectable or rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels may reduce the risk of disease metastasis, even without salvage treatment, many patients will die of other causes before metastatic disease...

prostate cancer

Higher Levels of Cholesterol and Triglycerides May Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer Recurrence

Prostate cancer survivors with higher levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides had an increased risk for disease recurrence, according to a study by Allott et al. The study findings, coupled with evidence that statin use is associated with reduced recurrence risk, suggest that lipid levels...

head and neck cancer

New Mutations Found in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Lead to Dramatic Response and Acquired Resistance to Everolimus

A study involving a patient with metastatic anaplastic thyroid cancer who achieved a near-complete response to everolimus (Afinitor) that lasted for 18 months, followed by progressive disease, has revealed a previously unknown mutation in the TSC2 gene and in the mTOR protein. The discovery...

gynecologic cancers

Next-Generation HPV Vaccine May Prevent 90% of Cervical Cancer Cases Worldwide

A study of a nine-valent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine that provides protection against HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58, has found it to be highly safe and efficacious. If vaccination programs with this new-generation vaccine are effectively implemented, approximately 90% of...

pancreatic cancer

Boost in Plasma Levels of Chain Amino Acids Is Associated With Increased Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

In a recent study reported in Nature Medicine, scientists from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Harvard School of Public Health, among other institutions, investigated whether pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma produces metabolic changes that can be...

hematologic malignancies

Preclinical Study Looks at RNA Polymerase I Inhibitor in Refractory AML and Multiple Myeloma

A laboratory study of the investigational drug CX-5461, which blocks the inhibition of RNA polymerase I transcription, has found that it prolonged survival in mouse models of highly aggressive acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and multiple myeloma refractory to standard therapy. In addition, the...


Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors May Improve Treatment Outcomes in Children With Philadelphia Chromosome–Like ALL

Using genomic profiling and next-generation sequencing of patients with BCR-ABL1-like B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-cell ALL) and Philadelphia chromosome–like ALL, researchers recently identified alterations targeting 18 kinase or cytokine receptor genes. They then determined...

lung cancer

Study Identifies Two Novel ALK Mutations Causing Lung Cancer Resistance to ALK Inhibitors

In a recent study investigating alectinib resistance in ALK-positive lung cancers, researchers identified two novel ALK mutations that are sensitive to ceritinib (Zykadia), a next-generation ALK tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved by the FDA earlier this year for advanced non–small cell lung...

AACR’s 2014 Cancer Progress Report Stresses Research Advances and More Federal Funding

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) released its 2014 Cancer Progress Report today, which highlights the quickening pace of drug development and approval, especially in molecularly targeted agents that are leading to increased numbers of cancer survivors. However, the report also...

gynecologic cancers

Olaparib Tablet Found Safe and Effective in Heavily Pretreated Patients With Ovarian Cancer

A phase Ib clinical trial of the tablet form of olaparib, a PARP inhibitor, in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy in heavily pretreated patients with advanced-stage ovarian cancer finds the drug to be safe and effective, especially in those women with BRCA gene mutations. The...

lung cancer
issues in oncology

National Lung Screening Trial Analysis Finds Low-Dose CT Screening Identifies More Lung Cancers in Older vs Younger Participants

Findings from the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) showed that screening high-risk individuals (smoking history of ≥ 30 pack-years) aged 55 to 74 with low-dose computed tomography (CT) vs chest radiography reduced lung cancer mortality. Following the study results, the U.S. Preventive...

breast cancer

Study Finds No Link Between Wearing a Bra and Breast Cancer

Despite conjecture in the lay media that wearing a bra may be a risk factor for breast cancer based on the potential for bras to interfere with lymph circulation and drainage, hampering the removal of waste and toxins, there were few scientific studies investigating the issue. Now, a new study by...

breast cancer

Study Finds Significant Increase in Bilateral Mastectomies Despite Lack of Survival Benefit

Results from a large population-based study of 189,734 women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer in California show the percentage opting for a bilateral mastectomy has increased substantially over the past decade even though the procedure was not associated with a lower risk of death than...

breast cancer
issues in oncology

Danish Study Finds an Increased Risk of Developing Breast Cancer in Women With Previous False-Positive Mammography

Although studies have shown that women with a false-positive result from mammography screening have an increased risk of developing breast cancer later in life compared with women who only have negative results, a new Danish study examined how much of the excess risk was due to misclassification...

issues in oncology

Survival of Patients With a Common Lymphoma Is Worse Among Those With Low Income

Despite advances in the treatment of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (the most common subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphoma), including the introduction of rituximab (Rituxan), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients living in low-socioeconomic-status neighborhoods have a 34% greater risk of dying from...

issues in oncology

More Than 50% of Older, Sick Adults Receive Cancer Screenings Unlikely to Provide Benefit

Despite updates on cancer screening guidelines from several medical societies—including ASCO, the American Cancer Society, the American Urological Association, the American College of Physicians, as well as the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force—which use life expectancy and/or age as...

breast cancer

NSAID Use May Reduce Risk of Breast Cancer Recurrence in Overweight and Obese Women

Obesity is associated with a worse breast cancer prognosis and elevated levels of inflammation, including greater cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression and activity in adipose-infiltrating macrophages. Data from a new study finds that overweight and obese women who regularly used aspirin or other...

breast cancer
issues in oncology

Regular, Moderate Physical Activity Decreases Breast Cancer Risk in Postmenopausal Women

Postmenopausal women who in the previous 4 years had undertaken the equivalent of at least 4 hours of walking per week had a 10% decreased risk of invasive breast cancer compared with women who were less active, according to a new study. The findings suggest that regular physical activity, even of...

colorectal cancer
issues in oncology
issues in oncology

Gut Microbiome Analysis May Provide an Effective Screening Tool for Colorectal Cancer

An analysis of the gut microbiome in patients from three clinical groups representing the multistage progression in colorectal cancer has found that the composition of the gut microbiome differentiates individuals with healthy colons from those with adenomas and carcinomas. Adding gut microbiome...


