Sibylle Loibl, MD, PhD, on Metastatic Breast Cancer: Research Highlights
ESMO 2018 Congress
Sibylle Lobil, MD, PhD, of the German Breast Group, discusses findings in metastatic breast cancer from the IMpassion130 trial in triple-negative disease and from the PALOMA3 and SOLAR-1 trials in hormone receptor–positive, HER2-negative disease (Abstracts LBA1_PR, LBA2_PR, LBA3_PR).
Ronald de Wit, MD, PhD, of the University Medical Center Rotterdam, discusses phase II findings on the efficacy of pembrolizumab in bacillus Calmette-Guérin–unresponsive bladder cancer with high risk for disease progression.
Tony Mok, MD, of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, discusses two important studies in non–small cell lung cancer: FLAURA, which looked at the first-line activity of osimertinib and the mechanisms of resistance; and ALESIA, which examined crizotinib dosing.
Johan F. Vansteenkiste, MD, PhD, of Catholic University Leuven, summarizes a session he co-chaired that included discussion of translating advances in stage IV disease to nonmetastatic lung cancer, TKI approaches in early-stage disease, and integrating immunotherapy and TKIs in stage III disease management.
Matthew J. Ellis, MB, BChir, PhD, of the Baylor College of Medicine, discusses data on endocrine therapy alone or in combination with targeted treatments for postmenopausal women with strongly ER-positive/HER2-negative tumors.
Eileen M. O’Reilly, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, discusses the latest information on locoregional and systemic treatments of hepatocellular carcinoma as well as targeted therapy for biliary cancer.