As a result of COVID-19, has your decision model for front-line therapy changed for patients with multiple myeloma who are either transplant-eligible or ineligible?
Recorded April 24, 2020.
Are you treating patients with advanced chronic myeloid leukemia (accelerated phase or blast crisis) any differently during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Recorded April 24, 2020.
Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic, talks about the ways in which social distancing and viral fears have affected the way he delivers treatment for his patients, as well as the effect on their psyches—and his. Recorded April 10, 2020.
Giorgio V. Scagliotti, MD, PhD, of the University of Turin, talks about the ways in which coronavirus reshaped Italian hospitals, mistakes made, and lessons learned. Filmed April 15, 2020.
Karen E. Knudsen, PhD, MBA, Director of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, talks about what she and her staff have encountered during the COVID-19 crisis and how they and their patients are coping. Filmed March 25, 2020.