Ursula A. Matulonis, MD, and Daniel J. Margul, MD, PhD, on Cervical Cancer and Minimally Invasive Surgery
2018 ASCO Annual Meeting
Ursula A. Matulonis, MD, of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Daniel J. Margul, MD, PhD, of Northwestern University, discuss the outcomes and costs of open, robotic, and laparoscopic radical hysterectomy for stage IB1 cervical cancer (Abstract 5502).
Lee S. Schwartzberg, MD, of West Cancer Center, reports on the progress of the ACCC Immuno-Oncology Institute to speed adoption of immunotherapeutics in community practices.
Peter Hillmen, MB, ChB, of St James’s University Hospital, discusses phase III study findings on minimal residual disease negativity with venetoclax plus rituximab in relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia (Abstract 7508).
Geoffrey R. Oxnard, MD, of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses genome-wide sequencing for early-stage lung cancer detection from plasma cell–free DNA (Abstract LBA8501).
Sherry Shen, MD, of Columbia University Medical Center, discusses findings on the use of omega-3 fatty acid for obese breast cancer patients with aromatase inhibitor–related arthralgia (Abstract 10000).
Emily S. Ruiz, MD, MPH, of Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center, discusses new developments in the treatment of squamous cell skin cancer and what she sees on the therapeutic horizon (Abstracts e18703, 9519, and 9577).