W. Marston Linehan, MD, on Renal Cell Carcinoma: Genetic Predisposition
2017 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium
W. Marston Linehan, MD, of the National Cancer Institute, discusses the genetic basis of the different types of kidney cancer, which provides the key to clinical management.
Roland Seiler, MD, of the University of British Columbia, discusses a way to identify molecular subtypes of muscle-invasive bladder cancer, the varying responses to cisplatin-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and which patients show the most benefit. (Abstract 281)
George J. Bosl, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Karim Fizazi, MD, PhD, of Gustave Roussy and the University of Paris Sud, offer the “pro” and “con” viewpoints for treatment intensification in patients with poor-prognosis germ cell tumors with unfavorable marker decline.
Sumanta K. Pal, MD, of the City of Hope, summarizes a session he co-chaired on the opportunities and challenges in systemic therapy for advanced renal cancer, including imaging as a biomarker of response and optimal selection of front-line treatments. (General Session 9)
Paul L. Nguyen, MD, of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, summarizes a session he co-chaired, which included discussion of Canadian vs U.S. guidelines; ProtecT; genomic and hereditary tests; and imaging to guide active surveillance. (General Session 1)
Joshua M. Lang, MD, of the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center, discusses genomic alterations in DNA damage–repair pathways––more common in patients with prostate cancer than previously recognized–– and clinical trials with PARP inhibitors.