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Your search for Arielle Elkrief, MD matches 4 pages

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lung cancer

Advanced NSCLC: Association of Intratumoral Escherichia With Overall Survival

In a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Arielle Elkrief, MD, and colleagues found that detection of intratumoral Escherichia was associated with improved overall survival in patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) receiving single-agent immune checkpoint inhibitor ...


Older Patients With Cancer and High-Risk Geriatric Profiles at Greater Risk for Death and Other Adverse Sequelae of COVID-19

In a large study of 5,671 older adults with COVID-19 and cancer, performed by the COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium (CCC19), the CCC19 geriatric risk index was associated with poorer outcomes, including clinical complications, hospitalization, and mortality. A higher CCC19 geriatric risk index was...


COVID-19 and Patients With Cancer: A Call to Action for Trainees

As oncology trainees, we develop skills to synthesize complex data and communicate this information with empathy as we accompany our patients through the trenches of a cancer diagnosis. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented layer of challenges has surfaced, as our patients who are...


Antibiotics and Immune Checkpoint Blockade in Patients With Cancer: First Do No Harm

Despite the unprecedented improvement in clinical outcomes with the advent of immune checkpoint blockade for cancer,1,2 robust biomarkers for therapeutic success as well as novel strategies to increase their efficacy are urgently needed. In addition to exploring novel immune checkpoints and other...


