David C. Fajgenbaum, MD, MBA, on Chasing His Cure: A Physician Is Battling His Disease and Beating the Odds
ASCO20 Virtual Scientific Program
David C. Fajgenbaum, MD, MBA, of the University of Pennsylvania, who trained as an oncologist, summarizes his opening lecture, a dramatic story of his battle against Castleman, a disease of the lymph nodes, his multiple near-death experiences, and the path that led him to develop a cooperative research effort making a difference for him and other patients with this idiopathic orphan illness.
The ASCO Post Staff
Neal D. Shore, MD, of the Carolina Urologic Research Center, discusses phase III results of the HERO study, which showed relugolix achieved castration as early as day 4 and was superior to leuprolide in sustained testosterone suppression, testosterone recovery after discontinuation, and reduction in cardiovascular side effects (Abstract 5602).
The ASCO Post Staff
Cynthia X. Ma, MD, PhD, of Washington University, discusses results from the ALTERNATE trial, which showed neither fulvestrant nor fulvestrant plus anastrozole significantly improved endocrine-sensitive disease rate compared with anastrozole alone in postmenopausal patients with locally advanced estrogen receptor–positive, HER2-negative breast cancer (Abstract 504).
The ASCO Post Staff
Patricia Pautier, MD, of Institut Gustave Roussy, discusses final results of the phase II LMS-02 study, which showed the combination of doxorubicin and trabectedin to be an effective first-line therapy for patients with leiomyosarcoma, with an acceptable safety profile (Abstract 11506).
The ASCO Post Staff
Mikkael A. Sekeres, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic, discusses data from a phase II study of pevonedistat plus azacitidine vs azacitidine alone in patients with higher-risk myelodysplastic syndromes, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, or low-blast acute myeloid leukemia (Abstract 7506).
The ASCO Post Staff
Howard A. Burris III, MD, FACP, FASCO, talks about some of the reports of research developments he is looking forward to and how future conferences could incorporate virtual presentations.