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skin cancer
issues in oncology

Indoor Tanning Common Among Young White Females Despite Skin Cancer Risk

Indoor tanning, defined as using a tanning booth, sun bed, or sunlamp, is common among non-Hispanic white female high school students and young adults, despite risks of melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancer, according to Gery P. Guy, Jr, PhD, MPH, and colleagues of the Centers for Disease...

issues in oncology

Best of ASCO 2013: Promises and Challenges of Applying Molecular Profiling to Clinical Practice

A “new kind of pathology,” in which anatomy and histology are supplemented by molecular etiology, has been emerging over the past decade and promises better response rates among cancer patients as genomic alterations in cancer continue to be identified and treated with targeted...

issues in oncology
issues in oncology

Best of ASCO 2013: Off-Label Prescribing of Chemotherapy Drugs Is Common but Most Meets NCCN Compendium Criteria

Off-label prescribing of drugs remains common in oncology, but about two-thirds of off-label prescribing is consistent with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Drugs & Biologics Compendium, according to a study reviewed at Best of ASCO Chicago by Monika K. Krzyzanowska, MD, MPH, of ...

colorectal cancer

ASCO 2013: Genomic Heterogeneity Can Lead to the Selection of ‘Incorrect’ Targeted Inhibitors

Genomic heterogeneity within tumors and among lesions varies widely, and “discordance among lesions could lead to the selection of the ‘incorrect’ targeted inhibitor,” according to David B. Solit, MD, of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, who spoke at the ASCO/American...

issues in oncology

ASCO 2013: Top Five Things Oncologists Need to Know about Cancer in Older Adults

A workforce shortage of geriatricians and other health professionals trained and certified in caring for older patients with cancer is colliding with the aging of the population and the increasing number of older Americans with cancer. After describing factors contributing to these dual challenges, ...

breast cancer

Some Stage II/III HER2-positive Tumors May Be Treated with Targeted Therapy without Chemotherapy

Results from a multicenter phase II study of patients with locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer who receive targeted therapy with trastuzumab (Herceptin) and lapatinib (Tykerb) “support the hypothesis that selected patients with HER2-positive tumors may not need...


