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Your search for Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, MD, FACP, as told to Jo Cavallo matches 2 pages

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gynecologic cancers
global cancer care

In Remembrance of My Friend, Lyn Denny, MD, PhD: I Will Never Forget Her

I first met Lyn Denny, MD, PhD, in Ghana, in 2004, when she became the Secretary Treasurer of AORTIC and brought the organization back to life. We’ve been friends ever since. I equate Lyn’s unwavering dedication to bringing health equity to women in Africa to Nelson Mandela’s fight for social...

breast cancer

Examining the Role Genetics Plays in Breast Cancer Onset 

Internationally known for her research in the molecular genetics of cancer, Olufunmilayo I. Olopade, MD, FACP, first became interested in oncology during medical school in Nigeria, where she cared for patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma. After moving to Chicago in 1983 to continue her medical...


