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Your search for Geraldine Carroll,Geraldine Carroll matches 5 pages

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ASCO and Community Oncology Alliance Publish Standards for Oncology Medical Home Model

ASCO and the Community Oncology Alliance (COA) have published standards for the oncology medical home (OMH), a comprehensive system of care delivery that supports coordinated, efficient, accessible, and evidence-based care.1 The standards serve as a roadmap for practice...

Art of Oncology: On the Page and in a Podcast, Personal Reflections From Oncologists Are a Fitting Companion Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

The well-loved Art of Oncology section of the Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) and its pioneering podcast are both resonating as never before, as cancer specialists are prompted into deeper reflections about the poignant moments that give life meaning by the COVID-19 pandemic. JCO’s Art of...

supportive care

ASCO Guideline Supports Continued Use of Dexamethasone for Patients Receiving Checkpoint Inhibitors and Emetogenic Chemotherapy

The ASCO guideline on the use of antiemetics has been updated to include new anticancer agents, antiemetics, and regimens.1 The guideline also addresses a growing concern among some oncologists that corticosteroids and their immunosuppressive abilities could potentially compromise the efficacy of...

head and neck cancer

New Guideline for Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer Supports Multimodality Therapy and Multidisciplinary Treatment

ASCO has released a new guideline for the treatment of locally advanced esophageal cancer that will provide a context for the current standards of care, fill gaps in clinicians’ knowledge of therapy options, and help define future treatment.1 An expert panel developed the guideline based on 17...

skin cancer

New Guideline on Systemic Therapy for Melanoma Tackles Rapid Developments in Treatment Options

Systemic treatment of melanoma has changed rapidly since the introduction of ipilimumab in 2011. Newer therapies approved for melanoma since that time include immunotherapy, targeted therapy for mutation-bearing tumors, and injectional therapy for cutaneous or palpable lesions. ASCO has released...


