Michel Ducreux, MD, PhD, on Results of the Phase II COLO 001 Clinical Trial
2015 European Cancer Congress
Michel Ducreux, MD, PhD, of the Institut Gustave Roussy, discusses the efficacy and safety in this study of nab-paclitaxel in patients with previously treated metastatic colorectal cancer (Abstract 2131).
Peter L. J. Naredi, MD, PhD
Incoming ECCO President, Peter L. J. Naredi, MD, PhD, of the University of Gothenburg, discusses his upcoming year as the new ECCO President, his vision for the organization, and his views on cancer treatment today.
Frederic Amant, MD, PhD
Frederic Amant, MD, PhD, of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, discusses the important decisions that must be made when a woman is diagnosed with cancer while pregnant: Should treatment be delayed or the pregnancy terminated?
Matteo Lambertini, MD
Matteo Lambertini, MD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discusses the use of LHRH agonists during chemotherapy to suppress ovarian function as a way to preserve fertility in breast cancer patients (Abstract 1957).
Shailender Bhatia, MD
Shailender Bhatia, MD, of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, discusses his paper on interleukin-12 DNA and regression of Merkel cell tumors (Abstract 504).
Jean-Charles Soria, MD, PhD
Jean-Charles Soria, MD, PhD, of Gustave Roussy, summarizes an important study: the efficacy and safety of pembrolizumab in previously treated non-small cell lung cancer (Abstract LBA33).