


breast cancer
prostate cancer
symptom management

ESTRO 38: REQUITE Project Finds Predictive Biomarkers for Late Radiotherapy Toxicity

The latest results from the REQUITE project, which aimed to discover what makes patients more likely to experience adverse effects after radiotherapy, have shown that a combination of biologic markers...

cns cancers

ESTRO 38: What Type of Radiotherapy May Best Preserve Cognitive Function in Pediatric Patients With Brain Tumors?

A comparison of three types of radiotherapy for pediatric brain tumors suggests that a type of proton therapy called pencil-beam scanning (PBS) offers the best hope of preserving cognitive functions. ...

prostate cancer

ESTRO 38: High–Dose Rate Brachytherapy in Localized Prostate Cancer

A single high dose of radiation that can be delivered directly to a treatment site within a few minutes is a safe and effective technique for treating men with localized, low-risk prostate cancer, acc...

lung cancer

ESTRO 38: Radical Hemithoracic Therapy in Patients With Mesothelioma

Patients with mesothelioma are twice as likely to survive for 2 years or longer if they are treated with a high dose of radiation to the affected side of the trunk, according to research presented by ...


ESTRO 38: Radiotherapy After ABVD May Improve Survival in Advanced Hodgkin Lymphoma

Patients with advanced Hodgkin lymphoma with bulky lesions at the time of diagnosis may benefit from radiotherapy after chemotherapy, according to late-breaking results presented by Ricardi et al ...

breast cancer

ESTRO 38: Long-Term Results of Adjuvant Radiotherapy Plus Antihormonal Treatment in Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer

Women with early-stage, low-risk, hormone receptor–positive breast cancer may be less likely to experience disease recurrence if they have radiotherapy after surgery as well as antihormonal trea...


