Kyle F. Concannon, MD, on Lung Cancer in Homeless Patients: Outcomes and Quality Measures
2019 Multidisciplinary Thoracic Cancers Symposium
Kyle F. Concannon, MD, of the University of Washington/Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, discusses study results on the delays in biopsy after radiographic findings among homeless vs housed patients with lung cancer, and the higher rates of missed appointments following diagnosis (Abstract 125).
J. Fletcher Drogos, MD, of Rush University, discusses study findings on overall survival and toxicity among patients who undergo multiple radiation treatments for lung cancer.
Leora Horn, MD, of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, discusses the progress made treating extensive-stage small cell lung cancer, improvements in progression-free and overall survival, and the fact that it’s still difficult to determine which patients will benefit most from immunotherapy.
Heather A. Wakelee, MD, of Stanford University, discusses the most recent FDA-approved tyrosine kinase inhibitors that target EGFR and ALK mutations, how these agents fit into the treatment landscape, and the rapidly evolving field of TKI resistance.
Jing Zeng, MD, of the University of Washington, discusses upstaging disease from stage III to stage IV, which can occur with repeat PET and/or CT scans for patients with locally advanced NSCLC, and the need for clinicians to stage disease properly to ensure appropriate treatment.
Mark K. Ferguson, MD, of the University of Chicago Hospital, discusses frailty and loss of muscle tissue, which are common among patients with lung cancer. These conditions are linked with decreased survival as well as increased surgical complications, chemotherapy toxicity, and cost of care.