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colorectal cancer

Study Shows Aspirin Use Before Diagnosis May Lower Colorectal Cancer Mortality

A recent study found that long-term aspirin use before a diagnosis of colorectal cancer may be associated with lower colorectal cancer–specific mortality. The report, published by Figueiredo et al in JNCI: The Journal of the National Cancer Institute, suggests that the findings for prediagnosis...

SIDEBAR: Take-home Message

Perhaps the most important take-home point of our study is that physicians should consider counseling colorectal cancer survivors to adopt a more physically active lifestyle that is consistent with a patient’s abilities and overall medical condition. Physicians should be reminded that most patients ...

solid tumors
colorectal cancer

More Recreational Physical Activity Associated with Reduced All-cause Mortality in Patients with Colorectal Cancer 

In a study recently reported in Journal of Clinical Oncology, Peter T. Campbell, PhD, and colleagues from the Epidemiology Research Program of the American Cancer Society, Atlanta, found that more recreational physical activity before and after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer was associated with...

colorectal cancer
issues in oncology

Active Smoking Increases Mortality in Nonmetastatic Colorectal Cancer, Both Pre- and Postdiagnosis

In a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Yang et al found that current smoking was associated with increased colorectal cancer–specific and all-cause mortality among colorectal cancer patients in both the prediagnosis and postdiagnosis settings. Study Details The study...

colorectal cancer

Postdiagnosis Calcium and Milk Intake May Be Associated With Improved Overall Survival in Colorectal Cancer Patients

Higher intakes of calcium, vitamin D, and dairy product are associated with lower risk of colorectal cancer, but the effect of such intake on survival in colorectal cancer is unclear. In a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Yang et al found that higher postdiagnosis intake of...

issues in oncology
colorectal cancer

High Prediagnosis BMI Is a Predictor for Poor Outcome in Colorectal Cancer Patients, Overriding Tumor Marker Linked to Better Prognosis

A large prospective study of patients with invasive colorectal cancer has found that higher body mass index 2 years before diagnosis increased risk of all-cause mortality after diagnosis, even in patients whose tumors harbored a marker that is usually associated with better prognosis. The...


