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Your search for VINCENT T. DeVITA, MD, AND GEORGE P. CANELLOS, MD matches 8 pages

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solid tumors
issues in oncology
hematologic malignancies

The Formative Years of Medical Oncology in the United States: A Rough and Tumble Road, Part 2

Medical oncology had a turbulent beginning, as we explained in part 1 of this commentary published in the September 25, 2024, issue of The ASCO Post. And although no other specialty we know of struggled as much, with perseverance and time, it had become a stable specialty of internal medicine by...

issues in oncology
solid tumors
hematologic malignancies

The Formative Years of Medical Oncology in the United States: A Rough and Tumble Road, Part 1

Medical oncology had a turbulent beginning. No other specialty we know of struggled as much. But by 1980, it had become a stable specialty of internal medicine and was off and running—with the major problem of how to marshal available resources to freely test the myriad opportunities presented by ...

ASCO Presidents Through the Years: Past, Present, and Future

2020–2021: Lori J. Pierce, MD, FASTRO 2019–2020: Howard “Skip” Burris, III, MD, FACP 2018–2019: Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD 2017–2018: Bruce E. Johnson, MD 2016–2017: Daniel F. Hayes, MD 2015–2016: Julie Vose, MD, MBA 2014–2015: Peter P. Yu, MD 2013–2014: Clifford A. Hudis, MD 2012–2013: Sandra M....

ASCO Through the Years: Past Presidents

Over the years many great oncology leaders have served at the helm as ASCO President. We recognize these individuals here, and extend our gratitude for their service and efforts to champion high-quality cancer care. 2018-2019: Monica M. Bertagnolli, MD 2017-2018: Bruce E. Johnson, MD 2016-2017:...

Videos Tell Stories of 50 Years of Progress Against Cancer

Nearly 3 years ago, ASCO launched CancerProgress.Net to mark the 40th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. National Cancer Act, which led to major new investments in cancer research and significant increases in cancer survival. The site provides a dynamic and interactive history of progress...

Vincent T. DeVita, Jr, Helped Usher in the Era of Chemotherapy, Turning Lethal Cancers Into Curable Ones

Although Vincent T. DeVita, Jr, MD, harbored fantasies as a young child of becoming an ice deliveryman when he grew up, his love of chemistry and biology, as well as admonitions from his mother, Isabel, “to become a doctor,” propelled him toward a career in medicine. Now, more than 6 decades later, ...

Internationally Acclaimed Cancer Researcher, Gianni Bonadonna, MD, Dies at 81

Gianni Bonadonna, MD, was considered the “Father of Italian Oncology,” but his scientific contributions to the field and his generous collegial spirit extended far beyond the shores of his native land. Dr. Bonadonna was at the forefront in the battle to convince the surgical establishment that...

Internationally Acclaimed Cancer Researcher, Gianni Bonadonna, MD, Dies at 81

Gianni Bonadonna, MD, was considered the “Father of Italian Oncology,” but his scientific contributions to the field and his generous collegial spirit extended far beyond the shores of his native land. Dr. Bonadonna was at the forefront in the battle to convince the surgical...


