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Your search for Harvey J. Cohen, MD,Harvey J. Cohen, MD matches 4 pages

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integrative oncology

Yoga for Pediatric and Adolescent Patients With Cancer

The ASCO Post’s Integrative Oncology series is intended to facilitate the availability of evidence-based information on integrative and complementary therapies sometimes used by patients with cancer. Despite significant improvements reported in survival rates, symptom management in pediatric...

supportive care

Integrative Medicine in Pediatric and Adolescent Patients With Cancer

GUEST EDITOR Integrative Oncology is guest edited by Jun J. Mao, MD, MSCE, Laurance S. Rockefeller Chair in Integrative Medicine and Chief of Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York. The ASCO Post’s Integrative Oncology series is intended to facilitate the...

geriatric oncology

Addressing the Challenges of an Aging Population

We have an aging population, which is a good thing since people are living longer. [But] cancer is a disease that tends to occur most frequently in older people, so the combination of those two events will lead to many more older people with cancer, a larger cancer population in general, and a...

geriatric oncology

Geriatric Oncology: A Geriatrician’s Perspective

“The management of older individuals, including older cancer patients, involves a wisdom developed over a lifetime, thanks to time-consuming listening and painstaking collection and interpretation of clinical details.” —Lodovico Balducci, MD It is not simple to be a geriatrician in a world of...


