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Your search for Rowan T. Chlebowski, MD, PhD, FASCO matches 2 pages

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gynecologic cancers

Estrogen Alone Increased Ovarian Cancer Incidence and Mortality, Combination Hormone Therapy Did Not

In 2002, the federally funded Women’s Health Initiative (WHI),1 a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial investigating menopausal hormone therapy for healthy menopausal women, was abruptly halted when it was determined that taking estrogen and progestin hormones after menopause increased the ...

lung cancer

Adding Pravastatin to Chemotherapy in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Following early reports associating favorable outcomes in cancer patients with the use of statins,1,2 further observational studies in this area have provided mixed findings.3 As recently reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, and reviewed in this issue of The ASCO Post, Seckl and colleagues ...


