Tracy Balboni, MD, moderated the press conference where data from the Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group (TROG) 03.01 and National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) CTG ES.2 trial were discussed during ASTRO’s Annual Meeting.1 Dr. Balboni, a Radiation Oncologist at Harvard Medical School and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, noted that trials in the palliative setting such as that reported by Dr. Penniment and colleagues “become all the more relevant as patients live longer with their incurable disease. We need to care about patients’ quality of life throughout this increasing time that they are living with their cancers. Research that informs how best to uphold our patients’ quality of life is critical.”
Focus on Quality Commendable
Dr. Balboni commended Dr. Penniment et al for their study on quality of life in incurable patients. “Our international colleagues have spearheaded efforts at the intersection of palliative care and radiation oncology. In the United States, we are just beginning to follow in their footsteps and emulate the good research they have contributed in this area,” she added. ■
Disclosure: Dr. Balboni reported no potential conflicts of interest.
1. Penniment MG, Harvey JA, Wong R, et al: Best practice in advanced oesophageal cancer: A report on TROG 03.01 NCIC CTG ES.2 multinational phase III study in advanced oesophageal cancer comparing quality of life and palliation of dysphagia in patients treated with radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy. ASTRO Annual Meeting. Abstract CT-03. Presented September 14, 2014.