Anne Hudson Blaes, MD, on Aromatase Inhibitors and Cardiovascular Disease
2016 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
Anne Hudson Blaes, MD, of the University of Minnesota, discusses the association between aromatase inhibitors, endothelial function, and early heart disease (Abstract S5-07).
Mothaffar Rimawi, MD, of the Smith Breast Center at Baylor College of Medicine, discusses phase II findings from a study evaluating pathologic complete response in patients with HR-positive, HER2-positive disease treated with neoadjuvant docetaxel, carboplatin, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab with or without estrogen deprivation (Abstract S3-06).
Diana M. Eccles, MD, of the University of Southampton, discusses findings from a study of sporadic and hereditary breast cancer and whether BRCA status affects outcome in young breast cancer patients (Abstract S2-03).
Lisa A. Carey, MD, and Maki Tanioka, MD, both of the University of North Carolina, discuss study findings on weekly paclitaxel and trastuzumab with or without lapatinib for HER2-positive breast cancer (Abstract S3-05).
Sabine Linn, MD, PhD, and Sonja Vliek, MD, both of the Netherlands Cancer Institute, discuss study findings on adjuvant ibandronate in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer (Abstract S6-02).
Rowan T. Chlebowski, MD, PhD, of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, discusses findings from the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification study on low-fat diet and breast cancer overall survival (Abstract S5-04).