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Your search for Tara Sanft, MD, and Melinda L. Irwin, PhD, MPH matches 2 pages

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breast cancer
supportive care

Update on Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition Early After Diagnosis (LEANer) Trial in Patients With Breast Cancer

Guest Editor’s Note: Chemotherapy and its side effects can lead to decreased physical activity and poor diet quality, resulting in unfavorable changes in physical functioning and quality of life. However, adopting healthy behaviors during cancer treatments can be challenging because of physical,...

breast cancer

Effect of Diet and Exercise Intervention on Chemotherapy Dose Intensity, Response Rate Among Patients With Breast Cancer

In the LEANer study, reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology by Tara Sanft, MD, and colleagues, researchers found that an exercise and nutrition intervention did not improve relative dose intensity (RDI) among patients receiving neoadjuvant or adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer, but did...


