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Your search for Roy Decker, MD, PhD,Roy Decker, MD, PhD matches 3 pages

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lung cancer

Roy Decker, MD, PhD, on Chemoradiation in Elderly Patients With Limited-Stage SCLC

Roy Decker, MD, PhD, of Yale University School of Medicine, discusses a National Cancer Database analysis that showed elderly patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer can benefit from adding concurrent radiation to chemotherapy (Abstract 1010).

lung cancer

Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy an Effective Option for Early-Stage Lung Cancer Patients

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is safe and effective in early-stage non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), as it confers local control in 90% or more patients with T1 disease, according to Roy Decker, MD, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology at Yale Cancer...

lung cancer

Chemoradiotherapy Survival Benefit in Elderly Patients With Limited-Stage SCLC

In a population-based study reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Corso et al found that chemoradiotherapy was associated with an overall survival benefit vs chemotherapy in elderly patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Study Details The study involved National Cancer ...


