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Your search for Stephen G. Chun, MD,Stephen G. Chun, MD matches 6 pages

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lung cancer

Comparing Two Radiation Therapy Techniques for Locally Advanced NSCLC: Focus on Toxicity

Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) reduced the risk of toxicity to the lungs and radiation exposure to the heart vs three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) for the treatment of locally advanced non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), according to a planned long-term prospective...

lung cancer
issues in oncology

Barriers to Treatment in Limited-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer

In a study reported in JAMA Oncology, Pezzi et al found that lack of health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid, was associated with not receiving combined-modality therapy in limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC). They also found that lack of insurance was associated with poorer...

lung cancer

Patients With SCLC Face Barriers to Receiving Standard-of-Care Treatment

Despite decades of clinical research establishing chemotherapy with thoracic radiation as the standard of care for the initial management of nonmetastatic small cell lung cancer (SCLC), a large percentage of U.S. patients do not receive these treatments, and in turn have lower overall survival,...

lung cancer

Intensity-Modulated vs Three-Dimensional Conformal External-Beam Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer

In a secondary analysis from the NRG Oncology RTOG 0617 trial reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Stephen G. Chun, MD, of the Department of Radiation Oncology at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and colleagues found that use of intensity-modulated vs three-dimensional...

lung cancer

Intensity-Modulated vs 3D Conformal External-Beam Radiation Therapy in Locally Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer

In a secondary analysis from the NRG Oncology RTOG 0617 trial reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, Chun et al found that use of intensity-modulated vs three-dimensional (3D) conformal external-beam radiation therapy was associated with a reduced risk for severe pneumonitis and reduced the...

lung cancer

Stephen G. Chun, MD, on NSCLC: Results From NRG Oncology/RTOG 0617

Stephen G. Chun, MD, of MD Anderson Cancer Center, discusses the comparison of 3D conformal and IMRT outcomes for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (Abstract 2).


