
Mobile Phones May Not Be Linked to Brain Cancer, WHO-Backed Study Finds

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Investigators have found that there may not be an association between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain cancer, according to a recent World Health Organization (WHO)-commissioned review published by Karipidis et al in Environmental International.   


The WHO and other international health bodies have indicated that there is no definitive evidence of adverse health effects from the radiation emitted from mobile phones but called for additional research. This type of radiation is currently classified as “possibly carcinogenic,” or class 2B, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer—a category used when the agency cannot rule out a potential link.

Study Methods and Results

In the recent review, an international team of investigators analyzed the outcomes of 63 studies conducted between 1994 and 2022 involving adult and pediatric patients. They assessed whether radiofrequency used in mobile phones, televisions, baby monitors, and radar contributed to a higher risk of developing brain cancer, leukemia, and cancer of the pituitary gland and salivary gland. They also evaluated the risks linked to base stations, transmitters, and occupational exposure. Other cancer types are expected to be reported separately.

Despite the significant rise in the use of wireless technology, the investigators discovered that there was no corresponding increase in the incidence of brain cancers. The findings may apply to individuals who spent long periods of time on phone calls and those who have used mobile phones for over 10 years.


“None of the major questions studied showed increased risks,” highlighted co–study author Mark Elwood, MBA, DSc, MD, Professor of Cancer Epidemiology at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

The WHO’s advisory group has called for the 2B classification to be reevaluated as a result of the new data. The classification was last assessed in 2011. The agency’s evaluation will be released in the first quarter of 2025.

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