
The Audacity of Courage

(and the Conditional Fallacies in Statistics)

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We have tools
We have ghouls
But nowhere are there more fools
Than in the rules
from those who govern the tools!
        In the bias
       That climbs on the shoulders
       To bring plausibility
       Through implied causality,
Where is ignorance?
Where is reality?
Where are all the tools of Reason?
       When did justification
       Fill the void
       And intellect
       Become Treason?
       In the name of Progress!
       For every season
What is it that drives this madness?
What is it that foments this fear?
What is it that stokes this fire?
Of Ignorance laid bare!
       When did this tall sap
       Spawned by the spray of illogic
       Blown through the aperture
       Of a fat tail
       Confined to the deviation of two
       Become logic?
I see
Before me
The making of a genie
Devoid of Bayesian food
That cannot answer a wish
But bloats and floats
Hovers and covers
Behind the mask of We!
       Frailty thy name is true
       Pseudo in your thought
       Mocking in your action
       You always fall from grace
       But never too far
       From the sap
       Where your existence
       Remains tethered in place!
Oh humanity how foolish
Oh reason how devoid
Of life how gray
Of living how perilous
What is to become?
What is to remain?
What is in the end?
But emptiness and blame!
       The logic of a strain
       That grows viral each day
       From this to this
       And that to that
       From tools from ghouls
       That manifest!
       The impoverished spirit that makes us less!
Should we not complain?
Should we hide our feelings?
Should we live in disdain?
Should we marshal thoughts
Float them into life’s vein
And continue our effaced reeling?

       Or forge the audacity

       Of courage
       Not crying for fear
       Nor living in rear
       And use the limits
       Of Common Sense

       To force life
       Into the future tense!

When love of virtue
Integrity of knowledge
Wisdom of time
And governance of province
Will bring ceremony

To Logic
And free of treason

Life will be whole
And True

Once again
Matched to Reason!  ■

Dr. Parvez Dara is an oncologist in private practice in Toms River, New Jersey.



