
Bookmark: Survivorship: Living Well During and After Cancer

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Title: Survivorship: Living Well During and After Cancer

Author: Barrie Cassileth, MS, PhD

Publication Information: Spry Publishing, April 2014, 216 pages, $16.95

This slender-volume survivorship guidebook provides the latest evidence-based information on complementary therapies and is a must-read for both newly diagnosed patients with cancer and survivors living with the short- and long-term side effects of their treatments. Written in easy-to-understand language, the book is organized into three parts.

Part One, Information to Start, includes a roadmap for finding quality care, a listing of the 41 National Cancer Institute–designated comprehensive cancer centers in the United States, and a description of integrative medicine.

Part Two, Complementary Therapies—The Basics, explains how nutrition, physical activity, acupuncture, mind-body therapies, massage, and creative therapies, such as music, art, and multisensory “dance” therapy, can help restore patients’ sense of control and provide a way to maintain the best possible physical and emotional health throughout cancer treatment and survivorship.

Part Three, Symptom Relief With Complementary Therapies, gives information on how such therapies can help patients manage pain, fatigue, anxiety, stress, depression, nausea and vomiting, sexual dysfunction, insomnia, lymphedema, neuropathy, and more.

There is also a Scam Alert section, which includes a compilation of alternative approaches that should be avoided; a general resource guide for cancer supportive care services; and a glossary of terms. Helpful informational tips are interspersed throughout the chapters, as are quotes from actual patients on the benefits of integrative care in their personal experience. ■

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