Ana Maria Lopez, MD
Session moderator Ana Maria Lopez, MD, Professor and Vice Chair of Medical Oncology, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, and Chief of Cancer Services for the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, JeffersonHealth New Jersey, commented on the FluFIT presentation.
“This presentation was an example of facilitating care through partnership. The ‘campaign’ to let patients know about colorectal cancer screening had a church partner. Partnerships with the community are critical and were noted as an important thread throughout the presentations in the sessions I moderated. These [community partnerships] are especially critical in reaching some populations and are essential to patient-responsive care. This approach is also an example of creativity and working by meeting patients where they are. For example, ‘If this is not the right time to talk about colonoscopies with the pandemic, let’s talk about fecal immunochemical test testing!’ We need to work with our patients, meet them where they are, and then work together to maintain and support health and well-being,” Dr. Lopez said.
DISCLOSURE: Dr. Lopez reported no conflicts of interest.