
Sarcoma Coalition Launched as Collaboration of Advocacy Organizations

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Those dealing with sarcoma know that resources and support can be difficult to find. Members of the newly formed Sarcoma Coalition are working together to change that.

The Sarcoma Coalition is a nonprofit collaboration of sarcoma advocacy organizations from around the country working toward a common purpose: to provide resources and support for those dealing with sarcoma—from patients and their families to allies in the research and medical communities.

Pete Wyckoff

Pete Wyckoff

“Because of the rarity of this cancer, many people—including primary care medical personnel—are unfamiliar with sarcoma,” stated Pete Wyckoff, Co-Chair of the Sarcoma Coalition Steering Committee and Co-Founder of Rein in Sarcoma.

While united in their commitment and efforts, each Sarcoma Coalition member organization offers its own unique areas of advocacy, resources, and services. Patients or caregivers seeking information about specific areas of sarcoma support will find more information and a list of Sarcoma Coalition member organizations as well as their focus areas at

The 16 current members of the nonprofit Sarcoma Coalition are (in alphabetical order): Angiosarcoma Awareness, Inc.; Desmoid Tumor Research Foundation; EHE Foundation; Focus on Rhabdo; Leiomyosarcoma Support and Direct Research Foundation; Life Raft Group; LMS–National Leiomyosarcoma Foundation; Northwest Sarcoma Foundation; QuadW Foundation; Rein in Sarcoma; SARC; Sarcoma Alliance; Sarcoma Foundation of America; Slifka Foundation; Summers Way Foundation; and The Paula Takacs Foundation for Sarcoma Research. The work of the Sarcoma Coalition is overseen by its steering committee: Annie Achee, Lisa DeYoung, Rich Rumsey, Peter Wyckoff, and Denise Reinke. 


