
ASCO University Course Focuses on Fertility Preservation

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Cancer can affect fertility in both men and women from adolescence through adulthood. Fertility preservation is often not addressed early enough during cancer treatment, but it should be a standard component of comprehensive care for prepubertal and reproductive-age patients.

ASCO University offers a fertility preservation course, which focuses on:

  • Implementing fertility preservation: discussion of treatment options, consequences of treatment, and fertility preservation techniques
  • The conversation: how, when, and why providers need to address fertility preservation with their patients
  • Perspectives: health-care providers who treat patients with cancer of various age groups, as well as patients themselves, share experiences of addressing fertility preservation

Structured in a case study format, the eLearning course presents real-world scenarios for participant providers to:

  • Describe the importance of fertility preservation as part of comprehensive cancer care for prepubertal and reproductive-age patients
  • Identify the treatment risks that pose the greatest risks to fertility
  • Discuss the fertility preservation options that are available
  • Examine key aspects of engaging patients in decision making around fertility preservation
  • Explain the role of a fertility preservation team in providing fertility preservation.

This course offers 5 CE/CME/CNE/CPE credits and 5 MOC Points for completion. To access the course on ASCO University, visit or email 

Originally published in ASCO Connection. © American Society of Clinical Oncology. “New ASCO University Course Focuses on Fertility Preservation.” ASCO Connection, January 2019. All rights reserved.


