George Laramore, MD, PhD
The Board of Directors of the National Association for Proton Therapy (NAPT) has awarded George Laramore, MD, PhD, FACR, FASTRO, of the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Proton Therapy Center and the University of Washington, the 2019 NAPT Lifetime Achievement Award, in recognition of his decades of work in the field of particle therapy.
Upon learning he had received the NAPT Lifetime Achievement Award, Dr. Laramore stated, “I have spent most of my professional life working with particle radiation of one form or another—first neutrons and then protons. Although not appropriate for every cancer patient, it is clear to me that there are many patients who can be best served by proton therapy. I am so grateful I have been able to help make this treatment available to them.”
Dr. Laramore was officially presented with the NAPT Lifetime Achievement Award at the Lifetime Achievement Award Luncheon Ceremony during the NAPT 2019 National Proton Conference. The NAPT’s Lifetime Achievement Award is awarded annually to individuals who have made contributions to the development and advancement of the field of proton therapy. ■