The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) congratulates Saverio Candido, PhD, on receiving the fourth Margaret Foti Scholar-in-Training Award from the University of Catania in Italy. Dr. Candido is being recognized for his research on biomarkers of bladder cancer development and progression.

Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc)
The award, established in 2010, is named in honor of Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc), Chief Executive Officer of the AACR and recognizes a young investigator who has completed a doctoral program in the oncologic sciences at the University of Catania and who has conducted meritorious research in the field of translational oncology.
Dr. Candido’s research has shown that the proteins NGAL and MMP9 may be useful as biomarkers for the development of diagnostic and prognostic tests for bladder cancer patients, potentially reducing the need for invasive and expensive surgical procedures and also for helping with the ongoing management of their disease after diagnosis.
“I am very honored to present the Margaret Foti Scholar-in-Training Award to Dr. Candido and am delighted that the scientific achievements of a promising young investigator are being recognized through this award,” Dr. Foti said. “Dr. Candido’s research explores new biomarkers for bladder cancer, a disease that is the fourth most common cancer among men in developed countries. It is wonderful that he is receiving this travel grant from the Italian League Against Cancer of Catania to attend the 2017 AACR Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, and we will look forward to hearing his presentation at our meeting.”
Dr. Foti added, “My sincere appreciation goes to President Carlo Romano of the Catania Section of the Italian League Against Cancer for his input into the organization of the symposium and, in particular, for funding the Foti Award. I would also like to thank and recognize Professor Massimo Libra, Dr. Candido’s tutor, and Professor Ferdinando Nicoletti for his expert guidance of this stellar program that trains the next generation of cancer researchers.”
Dr. Candido received the award at the Symposium on Patient-Centered Care in Oncology: Risk Factors, Nutrition, and Novel Therapies at the University of Catania. The Italian League Against Cancer of Catania will provide Dr. Candido with a travel grant to attend the AACR Annual Meeting 2017, to be held on April 1–5, in Washington, DC. ■