
Jason S. Lewis, PhD, Receives SNMMI Award for Outstanding Achievement in Basic Nuclear Medicine Science

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Jason S. Lewis, PhD

Jason S. Lewis, PhD

Jason S. Lewis, PhD, has been named the 2019 recipient of the Paul C. Aebersold Award. Dr. Lewis is the Emily Tow Jackson Chair in Oncology and Vice Chair for Research and Chief Attending, Radiochemistry and Imaging Sciences Service, Department of Radiology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He was presented the award by the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) during its Annual Meeting, in Anaheim, California.

The Aebersold Award is named for Paul C. ­Aebersold—a pioneer in the biologic and medical application of radioactive materials and the first Director of the Atomic Energy Commission’s Division of Isotope Development. It recognizes outstanding achievement in basic science applied to nuclear medicine and was first presented in 1973.

Dr. Lewis’ research interests center around radiotracers and radiochemistry. He is studying novel ways to use positron-emission tomography imaging to diagnose cancer as well as to treat this disease.

“By combining small- and biomolecule-based targeting agents with positron-emitting or therapeutic radioisotopes, we can both interrogate the molecular profiles of cancer using noninvasive nuclear imaging and treat tumors specifically with endoradiotherapy,” Dr. Lewis explained. “Our research program is a molecular imaging–based program focused on the targeting of nonstandard nuclides, with an emphasis on developing these novel radiopharmaceuticals for clinical translation.”

Other Activities

Dr. Lewis was the 2014–2015 President of the World Molecular Imaging Society and is now a fellow. He is an elected member of the International Society for Strategic Studies in Radiology. Dr. Lewis received a Distinguished Investigator Award from the Academy Radiology Research and the Michael J. Welch Award from the SNMMI. He is an associate editor for The Journal of Nuclear Medicine and has published more than 250 papers, books, book chapters, and reviews on cancer imaging. He has served on grant review panels for the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute and on a number of editorial boards. ■


