Jeffrey M. Rosen, PhD
Jeffrey M. Rosen, PhD, will receive the William L. McGuire Memorial Lecture Award at the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), to be held December 6–10, 2022. The award was established in 1992 to commemorate Dr. McGuire’s significant contributions to breast oncology. Dr. McGuire, along with Charles A. Coltman, MD, founded SABCS in 1977.
Dr. Rosen is Distinguished Service Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and the co-leader of the breast cancer program at the Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine. A pioneer in the fields of mammary gland biology and endocrinology, Dr. Rosen is being recognized for his extraordinary contributions to preclinical and translational breast cancer research, as well as for his commitment to transdisciplinary collaboration and mentoring of early-career scientists.
Research Leader
Throughout his 53-year career in cancer research, Dr. Rosen has made numerous groundbreaking contributions, including understanding hormonal regulation of mammary gland development, tumorigenesis, and milk production; developing widely used animal models to study normal development and tumorigenesis of the breast; elucidating the mechanisms underlying self-renewal and differentiation of mammary stem cells and cancer stem cells; clarifying the roles of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer metastasis and therapeutic resistance; and characterizing the tumor immune microenvironment associated with different subtypes of breast tumors.
Dr. Rosen joined the faculty at Baylor College of Medicine in 1973 and was a founding member of the Department of Cell Biology, the first department of its kind in the United States. While on sabbatical in the laboratory of George Stark, PhD, Dr. Rosen was involved in the early studies that elucidated the mechanisms of interferon action, which helped lead to the discovery of the JAK/STAT pathway. In addition to his scientific research, Dr. Rosen has mentored more than 100 graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and junior faculty members.
Dr. Rosen will present a lecture titled “Leveraging Preclinical Models for Translational Breast Cancer Research” during the Symposium.