The Principal investigator Committee of the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group (ECOG-ACRIN) re-elected Mitchell D. Schnall, MD, PhD, as the Group Co-Chair, a position he has held since the founding of the Group in 2012. Dr. Schnall will serve in this role from 2021 to 2031.

Mitchell D. Schnall, MD, PhD
Dr. Schnall co-leads the organization’s governance and is a member of several scientific committees, for which he provides significant influence over the explorations of emerging imaging technologies. In addition, he currently oversees two landmark imaging trials: the TMIST breast cancer screening trial and EA2185, which is the surveillance trial for noncancerous pancreatic cysts.
Dr. Schnall is Chairman of the Department of Radiology and the Eugene P. Pendergrass Professor of Radiology at the Perelman School of Medicine, in the University of Pennsylvania. He is a physician at Penn Medicine in its Abdominal Imaging Services program.
As Group Co-Chair, Dr. Schnall will continue to ensure the effective integration of radiology research with medical oncology and other disciplines involved in cancer research. His scientific priorities for his new term are the science of biomarker screening, the integration of emerging radiologic technologies and their relationship between screening and prevention, the evolution of a new generation of biomarkers, new ways to look at immune response, and imaging-guided therapy.
In addition, Dr. Schnall will continue his work to expand diversity in ECOG-ACRIN by promoting women and underserved minorities. He also plans to engage physicians from diverse specialties necessary for prevention and early detection studies, using ECOG-ACRIN’s Mentoring Program and other means.