
MD Anderson Receives $22.2 Million in CPRIT Research Funding

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The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center was awarded more than $22 million in research grants from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT). Thirty-six percent of funds awarded for Individual Investigator Awards went to MD Anderson faculty, as well as nearly 40% of funds awarded for recruitment.

Across Texas institutions, CPRIT awarded a total of $112 million in 73 new grants. The MD Anderson CPRIT awards included $14.8 million for research, $6 million in recruitment funding, and $1.4 million for evidence-based cancer prevention ­services.

These CPRIT awards will fund investigations in cancers of the liver, skin, pancreas, and ovary, as well as lymphoma, leukemia, and other ­cancers.

“We are extremely grateful to the citizens of Texas for supporting truly important and life-saving cancer research,” said MD Anderson President Ronald DePinho, MD. ■


