Many cancer care providers struggle with addressing the topics of weight loss and weight management with their patients. Obesity and Cancer: A Guide for Oncology Providers is a tool that will help oncology providers integrate strategies for weight loss into their practices by offering practical tips and strategies for weight assessment and weight loss, as well as information about how to be reimbursed for these services.
To complement the provider guide, this bundle also includes ASCO Answers: Managing Your Weight After a Cancer Diagnosis: A Guide for Patients and Families. This booklet provides clear, practical information about different weight loss methods, common challenges to losing and maintaining one’s weight, a discussion of the emotional challenges that accompany making lifestyle changes, and tips for talking with the health care team about weight.
With these booklets, both patients and oncology providers will have the practical tools they need to work together to help patients find a healthy weight. Each bundle includes 10 provider guides and 115 patient booklets. Visit to order copies for your practice. Enjoy free shipping on all patient education products, and save 20% with ASCO member ID. ■
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