The Journal of Oncology Practice (JOP) is pleased to announce a call for papers on a thematic issue devoted to physician burnout and moral distress in the adult and pediatric oncology setting. This special series will address ethical, cultural, social, personal, psychological, and organizational issues that impact oncology clinicians today, as well as highlight successful and promising strategies to address these issues in oncology practice.
Original work including qualitative or quantitative research manuscripts (of up to 3,000 words), quality improvement activities, case scenarios, perspectives on ethical issues, narratives, and point/counterpoint companion pieces on provocative topics (of 1,400–2,100 words) will be considered in all areas of oncology practice. Manuscripts written by patients and advocates will also be considered.
Suggested topics include:
- Specific ethical challenges that connect moral distress with burnout (eg, patient financial toxicity)
- Exploration of the multifactorial foundation of burnout and moral distress from individual and organizational perspectives
- Tools and utility of existing burnout assessments
- Organizational barriers to effectively mitigating burnout
- Subspecialty issues with the highest burnout incidence (ie, gynecologic oncology)
- Impact of administrative burden (eg, electronic health record [EHR]) on burnout
- Implementation and efficacy of individual and organizational interventions (eg, educational curriculum, wellness programs, work after work reduction, EHR efficiency improvements, team-based care impact on efficiency and clinician satisfaction, patient engagement impacts on efficiency and satisfaction [patient and clinician])
- Workforce diversity and physician burnout
- Practical tips to reduce burnout (for clinicians, by clinicians, and for organizations)
- Practical tips to reduce or help deal with moral distress (for clinicians, patients, families, organizations)
Please submit an abstract to editorialmanager.com/JOP-ascopubs/default.aspx for consideration by September 1, 2019.
For more information, contact the JOP editorial office at 703-797-1900 or jopcontact@asco.org. ■
© 2019. American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved.