The Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) has granted its 2017 Outstanding Achievement Award to a select group of 16 accredited cancer programs throughout the United States. Award criteria were based on qualitative and quantitative surveys of cancer programs conducted during the second half of 2017.

Lawrence N. Shulman, MD, FACP
The purpose of the award is to raise the bar on quality cancer care, with the ultimate goal of increasing awareness about quality care choices among patients with cancer and their loved ones. In addition, the award is intended to recognize those cancer programs that achieve excellence in providing quality care to patients with cancer as well as motivate other cancer programs to work toward improving their level of care.
The 16 recognized cancer care programs represent approximately 7% of programs surveyed by the Commission on Cancer. “These cancer programs currently represent the best of the best when it comes to cancer care,” noted Lawrence N. Shulman, MD, FACP, Chair of the Commission on Cancer. “Each of these facilities is not just meeting nationally recognized standards for the delivery of quality cancer care, they are exceeding them.” ■