RELIEVING PAIN is an important part of cancer care, and each patient experiences pain differently. Give your patients the information and tools they need to understand and manage their pain. ASCO Answers offers two helpful products on managing cancer-related pain: a one-page fact sheet or an in-depth booklet. These resources help patients and their caregivers learn about the importance of pain relief as well as the causes of pain, how pain is diagnosed, and types of pain-relief strategies. The booklet also includes a pain tracking sheet to help patients record how pain affects them.
Bulk quantities of these print materials are available at cancer.net/estore. ASCO members save 20% on all patient education materials, and shipping is free within the United States. Alternatively, you can visit cancer.net/ascoanswers to download free PDF versions of the materials. To request free promotional materials for your practice, please e-mail contactus@cancer.net. ■
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