THE PEZCOLLER FOUNDATION–AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for Cancer Research (AACR) International Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Cancer Research was recently presented to Alberto Mantovani, MD, Professor of Experimental Medicine and Pathophysiology at Humanitas University in Milan, Italy, at the 2019 AACR Annual Meeting in Atlanta.

Alberto Mantovani, MD
A member of AACR since 1981, Dr. Mantovani is recognized for his work in identifying tumor-associated macrophages as mediators of cancer progression, highlighting the role of inflammation and the immune system in tumorigenesis. His research demonstrating the interplay between inflammation and cancer has contributed to the emergence and further development of tumor immunology, which forms the basis of new immunotherapies for cancer.
The Pezcoller Foundation–AACR International Award, now in its 22nd year, was established in 1997 to annually recognize a scientist who has made a major scientific discovery in basic or translational cancer research. The awardee must be active in cancer research, have a record of recent noteworthy publications, and be conducting ongoing work that holds promise for continued substantive contributions to progress in the field of cancer.
Professional Experience
DR. MANTOVANI currently serves as President of the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) and is Past President of the Italian Society of Immunology and the International Cytokine Society. He has served on the boards of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization and IUIS. Dr. Mantovani is also a member of Academia Europea, Robert Koch Stiftung, Accademia dei Lincei, the Henry Kunkel Society, and the European Molecular Biology Organization.
Before his tenure at Humanitas, Dr. Mantovani was Head of the Department of Immunology and Cell Biology at Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche and Professor of General Pathology at the School of Medicine at the University of Brescia. He earned his medical degree at the University of Milan and his specialty in oncology at the University of Pavia. ■