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Your search for Ramy Sedhom, MD,Ramy Sedhom, MD matches 4 pages

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geriatric oncology

Too Much, Too Little, Just Right: Optimizing Cancer Care for Older Adults

Imagine walking into a fancy restaurant only to find a menu consisting mostly of kids’ dishes. It would make no sense. Just 25% of restaurant diners are younger than age 12, and they rarely write Yelp reviews. But when it comes to cancer treatment, this is not very far from what we do. The median...

palliative care

ASCO Launches New Webinar: Making Palliative Care a Part of Your Oncology Practice

ASCO President Lynn Schuchter, MD, FASCO, has made access to palliative and supportive care among patients with cancer a central focus of her presidential term. Although not all cancer clinicians can be palliative care specialists, because palliative and supportive care are so essential to every...

New ASCO Series for Early-Career Cancer Providers on Impacts of Social Determinants of Health

As part of its ongoing commitment to addressing inequities in cancer care and research, ASCO has launched a new educational series focused on the role of social determinants of health in cancer care and cancer outcomes. The free series, which began October 21, is aimed at educating oncology...

ASCO Launches Educational Series on Social Determinants of Health

As part of its ongoing commitment to addressing inequities in cancer care and research, ASCO has launched an educational series focused on the role of social determinants of health in cancer care and outcomes. The free series, which kicked off in October, will help educate oncology trainees and...


