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Your search for David H. Gustafson, PhD ,David H. Gustafson, PhD matches 3 pages

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lung cancer

Lessons of 2 Decades' Experience with CHESS

Our work on an Internet-based intervention for lung cancer confirmed what many other studies have shown about technologic interventions for health-care consumers—that such interventions can improve quality of life for caregivers and patients.1 We expected this result in part because of the...

lung cancer
issues in oncology

eHealth: Caregiver Use of Online System Reduces Symptom Distress in Patients with Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer

The results of a study reported by David H. Gustafson, PhD, Research Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and colleagues in Cancer suggest that informal caregiver (eg, family member) use of a specifically designed online system to support palliative care reduces symptom distress in...

Residents Association Recognizes 57 Mentors and Teachers With 2014 Educator of the Year Award

The Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) has honored 57 educators with the 2014 Educator of the Year Award. The award, presented annually, recognizes outstanding teachers and mentors of radiation oncology residents. Each radiation oncology residency program may nominate one faculty ...


