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Your search for Channing Paller, MD, and Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsych,Channing Paller, MD, and Linda E. Carlson, PhD, RPsych matches 2 pages

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integrative oncology

Society for Integrative Oncology Focuses on the Science of Living Well With Cancer

Guest Editor’s Note: With the easing of some COVID-19 restrictions, the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) held its 2021 international conference in a hybrid format. It focused on the science of living well with cancer, challenges in designing integrative oncology research, and the role of...

integrative oncology

COVID-19 and Integrative Oncology: Meeting the Global Challenges of Health Equity

Guest Editor’s Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) held its 2020 international conference in a virtual format. It focused on key issues of health disparities in integrative cancer care, innovative integrative oncology service delivery models, and...


